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目前我国汉字姓名的拼音书写方式是:姓在前,名在后,与汉字姓名的排列顺序相同,姓与名分立,各自连写;姓与名二者的首字母大写,其余字母小写。这种书写方法已为社会所接受。 然而,现行的这种书写方式仍还存在着问题,未能尽如人意,焦点是姓氏与名字的书写形式毫无差异,只能从前后位置的排列顺序上予以辨别。众所周知,姓氏与名字孰前孰后,世界各国并不一致。宋大成拼写作SongDacheng,依汉语习俗,称其为宋先生、宋师 At present, the phonetic transcription of Chinese characters’ names is: the surname is the first, the last is the same as the name of the Chinese characters, the surnames and the names are separated, and the names of the characters are connected; the first letter of the surname and the second name are in uppercase and the rest are in lowercase. This method of writing has been accepted by society. However, there are still some problems with the existing writing method, which are not satisfactory. The focus is that there is no difference between the written forms of surname and name, and only the order of the front and rear positions can be distinguished. As we all know, surnames and names before and after, the world is not the same. Song Dacheng spelling SongDacheng, according to Chinese customs, call it Mr. Song, Song division
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