
来源 :当代电视 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanglsm
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自从《魅力·纪录》步上高堂,央视一套的晚间次黄金时辰迅速聚积了魅粉的数量。品位高雅、品质优异的纪录片登堂入视,让这个影视高端品种在国屏中有了“定”位,增了数量,获了人气,善莫大焉。纪录片,不少国人的眼睛和认知是从电视某个栏目而得识。当年的《生活空间》,以平和的调门、纪实的手法、朴静的心态,给出了一幅幅近距离的生活图景。讲述老百姓自己的故事,成为了一段时间人们对纪录片的基本认知。后视台的投入和专业素质的进升,纪录片随之“高格化”、规模大了,阵势强了,也逐渐走向系列了、多集了、“文杂志、探索发现的纪录以大片奔涌进来(先碟片,后网络),眼界大开,尽可饱享,大片,以及剧情展现、真实再现等,也一显身手,纷至沓庭中来。这似乎导致了一个现、 Since the ”charisma record“ step Gaotang, CCTV a set of gold times in the evening when the rapid accumulation of the charm of the number of powder. Elegant taste, excellent quality documentary debut, so that the film high-end varieties in the country screen with ”Ding “ bit, increased the number of popular, good Mo Yan. Documentary, many people’s eyes and cognition is learned from a section of television. Year’s ”living space“, with a calm tone, documentary practices, simple state of mind, gives a picture of life close range. To tell the story of the people themselves has become a period of time people’s basic knowledge of the documentary. The input of the repertoire and the rise of the professional quality, the documentary followed by ”Gao Gehua“, the scale is big, the battle is strong, also gradually moves toward the series, more sets, ”literature magazine, discovery discovery record In order to rush in (before the disc, after the network), horizons wide open, to enjoy, blockbuster, and the plot show, real reproduction, also show their talents, come to an end .This seems to have led to a ,
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