
来源 :云南林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alan_w76
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苗木作为人工更新造林的物质基础,一直是林业生产和科研部门所重视的问题。1982年以来,我们对我省主要高山针叶树种进行了以缩短苗木培育周期、提高苗木质量和单位面积合格苗出圃率、降低苗木成本为目的的育苗综合技术试验研究,取得了以2年生云杉原床苗培育工艺代替目前所采用的3—4年生换床苗木培育工艺的初步成果。通过更新造林试验和生产中应用的结果,成活率分别达到95.1%和94.1%,保存率达87.3%。本文根据综合试验中几组施肥试验材料分析整理。文中从肥料要素、施肥量、肥料组合、施肥时间、施肥方法等方面分析了施肥措施对土壤肥力、苗木各种生长指标和形质指标以及苗木群体结构和苗木分化的影响。从而为苗期合理施肥提供了科学依据。试验结果表明,在云杉苗木培育过程中,按照苗木各器管生长发育时期,采用高氮、高磷或中氮高磷与适量的钾互相配合,采用有利于根系吸收的施肥方法(如水施等),并抚以其它合理管理措施,可以获得生长快、发育均衡、质量优良、抗性强和单位面积产苗量高的优良培育效果。 Seedlings, as the material basis for artificial reforestation, have always been issues that the forestry production and research departments attach importance to. Since 1982, we conducted a pilot study on comprehensive seedling raising techniques aimed at shortening the nursery growth cycle, improving seedling quality and yield per unit area, and reducing the cost of nursery stock for the main coniferous species in our province. Bed seedling cultivation process instead of the current 3 - 4 - year - old bed seedling cultivation process of the initial results. By updating the results of afforestation experiment and application in production, the survival rates reached 95.1% and 94.1% respectively, and the preservation rate reached 87.3%. This article is based on the comprehensive test of several groups of fertilization test materials analysis finishing. The effects of fertilization on soil fertility, seedling growth indices and morphological indexes, seedling population structure and seedling differentiation were analyzed from the aspects of fertilizer elements, fertilizer amount, fertilizer combination, fertilization time and fertilization method. Thus providing a scientific basis for rational fertilization at seedling stage. The results showed that during the growth of spruce seedlings, in accordance with the growth and development of each tube of the spruce, high nitrogen, high phosphorus or medium nitrogen and high phosphorus were used in combination with the appropriate amount of potassium, and fertilization methods such as water application Etc.), and other reasonable management measures can be obtained fast growing, balanced development, good quality, strong resistance and good yield per unit area of ​​seedling cultivation.
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