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子宫纤维脂肪瘤,目前国内报告甚少,兹将我院妇产科最近遇到的1例,报告于下: 患者林××(住院号40770),60岁,已婚,于1979年元月8日入院.主诉为发现下腹部肿物二年余,伴阴道点滴流血一周.患者26岁结婚,婚后生二胎,无早流产史.月经初潮17岁,周期28~30天,持续4~5天,量中等无血块.现已绝经10年.绝经后第七年开始发现下腹部逐渐长大,自认为年老体肥,亦无不适,故未介意。平素无阴道流血,只住院前一周阴道有点滴流血,才来院检查. 体检除腹部膨隆如孕6个月大小外,余无特殊.妇科所见:老年型外阴,阴道宫颈未见异常,穹窿消失,子宫增大偏于左侧,于它的右侧可触及儿头大囊性肿物,表面平滑,不活动,无压痛,周边清楚. 超声波探查:中下腹部可探及20×30cm深11cm之分隔液平反射之囊性包块.宫颈脱落细胞未见癌细胞.当时印象为盆腔肿物(1)子宫肌瘤(左)恶变?(2) Uterine fibroadenoma, the current domestic report is very little, we will encounter obstetrics and gynecology hospital recently encountered 1 case, the report is as follows: patients Lin × × (hospital number 40770), 60 years old, married, in January 1979 Admitted to hospital on the 8th, the main complaint was found in the lower abdomen tumor more than two years, accompanied by vaginal bleeding one week.The patient was married at age 26, the second child after marriage, no history of early miscarriage history of menarche 17 years old, cycle 28 to 30 days for 4 ~ 5 days, the amount of no blood clots .Present menopause 10 years.Seven years after the menopause began to find the lower abdomen gradually grew up, think of the old body fat, no discomfort, it did not mind. Vaginal bleeding usually only one week before the hospital vaginal bleeding a few days before they came to hospital for examination. Except for abdominal bulging, such as 6 months pregnant size, I no exception. Gynecological findings: the elderly vulva, vaginal cervix no abnormalities, vault disappeared , Enlargement of the uterus to the left, on the right side of it can reach large cystic tumor in children, the surface is smooth, inactive, no tenderness, the surrounding clear.Ultrasonic exploration: the middle and lower abdomen can be explored and 20 × 30cm deep 11cm The separation of the level of cystic reflex capsule. No exfoliated cervical cells. The impression was pelvic mass (1) uterine fibroids (left) malignant? (2)
天津市第一中心医院妇产科自1980年以来对胎儿窘迫40例采用双氧水治疗,并 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tianjin First Central Hospital, treated 40 cases