
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuzw93
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2007年4月16日,住湖北省监利县容城镇爱民路34号的独居老人李茂兰(女,71岁)被人用钝器砸伤头部致死。专案组历尽千辛万苦,转战重庆、陕西、山西等8省市行程近9万公里,鏖战101天,利用文件检验技术发挥关键作用最终拨开迷雾破案。该案的侦破历程使我们对新时期更好地使用文件检验技术确定侦查方向和范围、刻画案犯脸谱、排查犯罪嫌疑人、认定犯罪等环节感受深刻。 On April 16, 2007, Li Maolan (female, 71 years old), a living alone living in No.34 Aimin Road, Rongcheng Town, Jianli County, Hubei Province, was slain by a blunt instrument to injure the head. Task teams have experienced untold hardships, fought in Chongqing, Shaanxi, Shanxi and other eight provinces and cities nearly 90,000 kilometers trip, fierce battle 101 days, the use of document testing technology to play a key role in the final out of the fog investigation. The detection of the case made us feel deeply about the better use of document inspection technology in the new era to determine the direction and scope of investigation, portrayal of criminal cases, investigation of suspects and criminal identification.
党的十六届六中全会作出的《关于构建社会主义和谐社会若干重大问题的决定》,以中央文件的形式全面系统地阐述了劳动关系问题。胡锦 The Decision of the 6th Plenary Sessi
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