
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mimibbs
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近年来盗窃、扒窃、抢劫等侵财性犯罪呈现高发态势,犯罪分子多选择现金、手机等易得手且价值较大的财物作为作案目标,并迅速通过二手市场、典当行等渠道进行销赃。我国目前户均手机拥有率已达1.2部,并且保持快速增长势头,其被盗抢数量也随之大幅增长。南京市刑侦部门始终关注二手手机市场管控工作,悉心摸索适合南京实际的二手手机阵地管控模式。2005年初,自行研发了《二手手机语音电话查询系统》(以下简称“系统”),经过试点,2006年7月向全市推开。自系统开通以来,全市共拨打语音电话116972次,系统有效报警584次,通过及时出警抓获嫌疑人420名,直接破获各类刑事案件520起,其中“八类”案件占近30%,同时为侦破一批大要案件提供了破案线索,显现出越来越强大的破案效益。 In recent years, such crimes as theft, pickpocketing and robbery have shown a high tendency. Criminals have chosen cash and mobile phones, which are readily available and of great value, as targets of committing crimes. They have also quickly sold their stolen goods through the secondary market and pawn shops. China’s current average mobile phone ownership rate has reached 1.2, and maintain the rapid growth momentum, the number of robbery also will be substantial growth. Nanjing Criminal Investigation Department has always been concerned about the second-hand mobile phone market control work, carefully groped for Nanjing actual second-hand mobile phone position control mode. In early 2005, the company independently developed the “second-hand phone voice telephone inquiry system” (hereinafter referred to as “system”). After the trial, it opened to the whole city in July 2006. Since the opening of the system, the city has made a total of 116,972 calls to the telephone system and has effectively alerted the system to 584 attacks. Out of the 420 suspects that were arrested in time by the police, 520 criminal cases of various kinds were directly uncovered, of which “eight categories” accounted for nearly 30% At the same time, it has provided cleansing clues for the detection of a large number of major cases and revealed more and more powerful crime detection benefits.
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党的十六届六中全会作出的《关于构建社会主义和谐社会若干重大问题的决定》,以中央文件的形式全面系统地阐述了劳动关系问题。胡锦 The Decision of the 6th Plenary Sessi
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