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继镇江、九江两市医疗保障制度改革之后,全国又有57个城市参加医改试点。我省芜湖、铜陵、淮北市也在其中。方案批准后于1997年一季度试行。由于这是一项涉及面广,政策性强的新工作,难免会出现一些问题。认真分析研究这些问题,力求取得共识,不仅是完善医改的需要,也有利于进一步扩大试点。 一、关于政府部门的位置问题。 职工医疗社会保险,是由国家举办,通过立法形式强制推行的一种社会制度,带有普遍、强制、自助、互济、储蓄性等特征。 Following the reform of the medical security system in Zhenjiang and Jiujiang, there are 57 cities across the country participating in the medical reform pilot. The provinces of Wuhu, Tongling and Huaibei are also among them. The program was piloted in the first quarter of 1997. As this is a new job with a wide range of policies and strong policies, it will inevitably lead to some problems. Careful analysis of these issues and efforts to achieve consensus is not only to improve the needs of medical reform, but also conducive to further expand the pilot. First, on the position of government departments. Medical social insurance for employees is a social system that is organized by the state and enforced through legislation. It is characterized by universal, mandatory, self-help, mutual aid, and savings characteristics.
探讨急性肺损伤 (ALI)环氧合酶 (COX)同工酶的变化及地塞米松 (DEX)的影响。方法 用内毒素 (LPS)复制ALI模型 ,用逆转录多聚酶链反应 (RT PCR)测定COX 1和COX 2的mRNA表达。
集体和个体办的医疗机构(以下简称社会办医)是卫生事业的组成部分。 社会办医虽然是自筹资金、自主经营、自担风险、自负盈亏,但在市场经济条件下,它与国有医疗机构一样,都
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目的 :采用RP -HPLC法测定贯叶连翘片剂中有效成分金丝桃素 (hypericin)和金丝桃苷 (hyperoside)的含量。方法 :分别使用ODS和ODS - 2色谱柱 ,流动相分别是 1 5 6%磷酸二氢钠