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绿色贸易壁垒虽然为发达国家所设立,但是我们应该直面绿色壁垒,进行反思,提出了应对绿色壁垒的对策:顺应世界贸易潮流,制定相应的法律、法规,建立符合国际标准的技术指标体系,发展绿色环保产业,提高企业的效益和竞争力等。 Although green trade barriers are set up for developed countries, we should confront the green barriers and conduct rethinkings and put forward the countermeasures to deal with the green barriers. In response to the trend of world trade, we should formulate corresponding laws and regulations and establish a technical indicator system in line with international standards to develop Green industry, improve the efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises.
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探讨急性肺损伤 (ALI)环氧合酶 (COX)同工酶的变化及地塞米松 (DEX)的影响。方法 用内毒素 (LPS)复制ALI模型 ,用逆转录多聚酶链反应 (RT PCR)测定COX 1和COX 2的mRNA表达。
集体和个体办的医疗机构(以下简称社会办医)是卫生事业的组成部分。 社会办医虽然是自筹资金、自主经营、自担风险、自负盈亏,但在市场经济条件下,它与国有医疗机构一样,都
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目的 :采用RP -HPLC法测定贯叶连翘片剂中有效成分金丝桃素 (hypericin)和金丝桃苷 (hyperoside)的含量。方法 :分别使用ODS和ODS - 2色谱柱 ,流动相分别是 1 5 6%磷酸二氢钠