
来源 :果树生产简讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wrothnpc
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梨小食心虫在我区是为害梨、桃、山楂、木瓜、苹果等果实及新梢的一种主要害虫,受害重的虫果率达80%以上,严重地影响果品的产量和质量。 为了摸清梨小食心虫在我区的发生规律,掌握各代发生及防治时期,为生产提供有效的防治措施,我们遵照毛主席“不论作什么事,不懂得那件事的情? Pear Mung Beetle is a major pest of pear, peach, hawthorn, papaya, apple and other fruits and shoots in our district. The rate of heavy insect pests is over 80%, which seriously affects the yield and quality of fruit products. In order to find out the occurrence of Pear Mungbean in our district, to grasp the occurrence and prevention period of each generation and to provide effective prevention and control measures for production, we abide by Chairman Mao’s “no matter what we do, we do not know how to do that?”
一、稻纵卷叶螟发生地区及 主要为害对象田 最近两年来我们连续进行了稻纵卷叶螟的发生地区和主要为害对象田的调查。进一步证明稻纵卷叶螟不仅发生地区不一致,而且不同田块
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Objective: To screen and evaluate the active constituents of Chinese medicinal herbs as potent inhibitors of Cdc25 phosphatase. Methods: The affinity chromatogr
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