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根据世贸组织(WTO)有关协议,中国加入WTO后,其法律服务业逐步开放的主要内容有:1、律师事务所开设形态自由认定;2、境内外律师事务所联合与合作自由化;3、外国人对法律市场权限限制的缓和;4、律师资格的互认。这些规定,无疑为外国律师事务所进入中国发展业务扫清了障碍,给中国法律服务机构及人员,主要是中国律师事务所和律师,在带来机遇的同时,也增添了不可回避挑战与思考。作为管理、监督、调整国内法律服务业的主管机关———司法部,经过近一年的思考、调研之后,于今年9月18日与中华全国律师协会共同在北京召开了“WTO与法律服务国际研讨会”。旨在探讨我国的法律服务市场如何顺利地接轨国际市场,我国律师如何尽早适应国际“游戏规则”等问题,帮助、指导我国律师及其他从事法律服务人员参与已经到来的国际市场竞争,确保作为我国法制建设进程中重要组成部分的法律服务业健康、稳步、持续地发展。在三天会议期间,与会代表们还围绕世贸组织与法制现代化、世贸组织与法律服务业、世贸组织与法律服务的国际化、世贸组织与知识产权保护、世贸组织与高层次涉外法律人才的培养、法律援助制度的完善等议题展开了研讨。———题记 According to the relevant WTO agreements, China’s accession to the WTO, the gradual opening up of its legal services industry are the main contents: 1, the establishment of a law firm freedom of identification; 2, domestic and foreign law firms joint and cooperation liberalization; 3, Foreigners to ease the restrictions on the legal market; 4, mutual recognition of lawyers. These provisions undoubtedly cleared the way for foreign law firms to enter into China’s development business. Providing legal services and personnel in China, mainly Chinese law firms and lawyers, brought opportunities and at the same time unavoidable challenges and reflections . As the competent authority that manages, supervises and adjusts domestic legal services, the Ministry of Justice, after nearly a year of thinking and researching, held the “WTO and Legal Services with Beijing All-China Lawyers Association on September 18 this year. International Symposium ”. The purpose of this article is to discuss how to smoothly integrate the international legal markets and how our lawyers can adapt to the international “rules of the game” as soon as possible so as to help and guide our lawyers and other legal service personnel to participate in the competition in the international market that has already arrived, The legal services industry, an important part of the legal system construction, developed healthily, steadily and continuously. During the three-day meeting, the participants also focused on the WTO and the modernization of the legal system, WTO and legal services, the WTO and the internationalization of legal services, the WTO and the protection of intellectual property rights, the WTO and the training of high-level foreign legal professionals , The improvement of legal aid system and other issues discussed. ---Inscription
1992年发布的中华人民共和国公共安全标准(GA40-92)《道路交通事故案卷文书》中,规定文书用纸幅面尺寸采用当时国内通用的16开型(长X宽 The People’s Republic of China Public Safety St