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1 Extremes along the Silk Road:Adventures off the World’s Oldest Superhighway《极限丝绸之路》Author:Nick Middleton Publisher:John Murray Groundbreaking traveler and TV personality Nick Middleton follows in the footsteps of Alexander the Great and Marco Polo across one of the least hospitable regions on Earth—a succession of hostile deserts and towering mountain ranges,a harsh terrain of howling winds,searing heat and blistering cold—to encounter those who eke out existences there today.Personal experiences of almost ridiculous endurance—sleeping on steaming rocks in the middle of a sub-zero desert ard risking the anthrax spores of Vozrozhdeniye Island’s post-Stalinist wasteland—is woven together with the bigger picture of our planet’s new“lost worlds.” 1 Extremes along the Silk Road: Adventures off the World’s Oldest Superhighway Author: Nick Middleton Publisher: John Murray Groundbreaking traveler and TV personality Nick Middleton follows in the footsteps of Alexander the Great and Marco Polo across one of the least hospitable regions on Earth-a succession of hostile deserts and towering mountain ranges, a harsh terrain of howling winds, searing heat and blistering cold-to encounter those who eke out existences there today. Personal experiences of almost ridiculous endurance-sleeping on steaming rocks in the middle of a sub-zero desert ard risking the anthrax spores of Vozrozhdeniye Island’s post-Stalinist wasteland-is woven together with the bigger picture of our planet’s new “lost worlds. ”
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