Joint Efforts to Build \\"Made-in-China\\"Brand——Address at the Press Conference & Fla

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Ladies & Gentlemen, Good morning! A year after last tour exhibition, with joint efforts of all of us, Chinese automobiles will set out overseas together again, this time, to Russia for an exciting exhibition tour. I’m really proud that Chinese automakers can unite again for another promotion campaign to build a “Made-in-China” brand. It is also an honor for FAW to participate in this year’s exhibition as one of the co-organizers. Ladies & Gentlemen, Good morning! A year after last tour exhibition, with joint efforts of all of us, Chinese automobiles will set out overseas together again, this time, to Russia for an exciting exhibition tour. I’m really proud that Chinese automakers can unite again for another promotion campaign to build a “Made-in-China ” brand. It is also an honor for FAW to participate in this year’s exhibition as one of the co-organizers.
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