Self-Organizing Tunnel Peers

来源 :计算机工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong420
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Tunneling is an important approach in IPv6 transition techniques. The tunnel broker model provides a way to build virtual IPv6 networks without manual configuration.However, neither it adapts performance variation on the IPv4 infrastructure, norit is a scalable solution for a wide-area IPv6 networking environment. In this paper, a self-organizing tunnel peer (SOTP) model is presented.Tunnel peers are clustered in the SOTP system so that optimization is scalable. Four primitive operations related to --cluster constructionarrest,release,division and deathendow the system with the nature of self-organization. Occurrence and behavior of the operations are decided by criteria on the IPv4 end-to-end performance; hence measurement is an indispensable component of the system. The metabolism of cluster relaxes the requirement to accuracy of measurement and optimization. Tunneling is an important approach in IPv6 transition techniques. The tunnel broker model provides a way to build virtual IPv6 networks without manual configuration. Host, neither it adapts performance variation on the IPv4 infrastructure, norit is a scalable solution for a wide-area IPv6 networking environment. In this paper, a self-organizing tunnel peer (SOTP) model is presented. Tunnel peers are clustered in the SOTP system so that optimization is scalable. Four primitive operations related to --cluster constructionarrest, release, division and deathendow the system with the nature of self-organization. Occurrence and behavior of the operations are decided by criteria on the IPv4 end-to-end performance; hence measurement is an indispensable component of the system. The metabolism of cluster relaxes the requirement to accuracy of measurement and optimization.
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