Effect of Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of HB400 Grade High Strength Ab

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangjiao610329
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High strength abrasion resistant steel plates are widely used in mining,construction and agricultural machineries.The plates are,however,usually poor in impact toughness.An attempt is made to improve the impact toughness of HB400 grade abrasion resistant steel by controlling quenching and tempering of the plates.Optimized combination of the strength and the toughness has been achieved by choosing best fit set of quenching and tempering condition.Mechanism underlying the achievement has been investigated in terms of the microstructure consisting of tempered lath martensite,retained austenite and precipitated carbides. High strength abrasion resistant steel plates are widely used in mining, construction and agricultural machineries. The plates are, however, usually poor in impact toughness. An attempt is made to improve the impact toughness of HB400 grade abrasion resistant steel by controlling quenching and tempering of the plates. Optimized combination of the strength and the toughness has been achieved by choosing best fit set of quenching and tempering condition. Mechanism underlying the achievement has been investigated in terms of the microstructure consisting of tempered lath martensite, retained austenite and precipitated carbides.
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