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  Marksmen fill the recreation hall of this sand-colored shooting club in the wooded hills outside Bern, capping off a weekend competition to commemorate the 1798 Battle of Grauholz in the French Revolutionary Wars.1
  There is no shortage of patriotism here—there is even a yodeling club dressed in traditional redtrimmed black felt jackets—and indeed, for many Swiss citizens, guns are as central to their identity as the Alps.2 Switzerland has one of the highest per capita3 rates of guns in the world. “Every Swiss village has a range just like this one,” says Renato Steffen, a top official of the Swiss Shooting Sports Association,4 representing the group at the event. The association counts 2,800 such clubs across the country, with a youth wing5 for children as young as 10.

  If this seems like a scene that belongs in gunloving America, there the similarities end.6 The Swiss’s historic relationship to their arms as members of a standing militia, their motives for keeping them, and the regulations around them diverge from the American experience.7 It’s one reason that the prevalence of arms here is not accompanied by a scourge of gun violence.8
  Yet Switzerland does provide clues for gun ownership in America. Here divisions also have emerged after gun tragedies and efforts to rein in use—and the story is not settled as a new gun-control directive comes from the European Union.9 But ultimately the two sides have found consensus, getting beyond polarization that paralyzes the American debate even after such tragedies as the school shooting in Parkland, Fla.10 Those who loathe guns here accept their deep-seated position in Swiss tradition as they push for more controls, while gun advocates have pushed back but ultimately accepted more rules and oversight in the past 15 years.11
  “Sport and protection of country only”
  There is no official count of guns in Switzerland. But according to the Geneva-based Small Arms Survey, Switzerland has more guns circulating per capita than any country besides the US and Yemen.12 The most recent government figures estimate about two million firearms13 in Swiss households. Conscription is mandatory for Swiss males, and citizen soldiers store their weapons at home, making up the bulk of guns in households today.14
奥地利航空公司任命新的中国区总经理    4月19日,奥地利航空公司集团宣布,顾瀚思(HeinzGoetz)先生将出任奥航新的中国区总经理。作为一位行业中的资深管理人员,顾瀚思先生在1977年即加入奥地利航空公司。他曾在奥地利和海外担任管理要职,在赴任中国区总经理之前,曾于2002年开始担任奥航驻匈牙利总经理。  中国区前任总经理高伟庚先生在其任职的三年半中,成功地巩固、扩大了奥航在华的业务,离开
追过英剧《唐顿庄园》的人,除了迷恋高颜值的演员和失传已久的贵族气息之外,一定也会为剧中出现在早餐、中餐、下午茶和晚宴上的美味佳肴所吸引。这明明不是什么黑暗料理!实际上,英国是古典气息浓厚、饮食文化历史悠久的国家。可是,为什么现在只留下了“黑暗料理”的骂名?这中间究竟发生了什么改变?  看过电视剧《唐顿庄园》的观众或许都能推断出:晚餐,对爱德华时代的英国乡绅而言,可是日常生活中的头等大事。  大多数
If Harry Potter and Huckleberry Finn were each to represent British versus American children’s literature, a curious dynamic would emerge: In a literary duel for the hearts and minds of children, one
The New Do Not Disturb Sign  —Headphone Tactic1  1910年,当一个叫Nathaniel Baldwin的美国人发明耳机时,他万万没有想到,这种接听工具不仅成了人手一副的必备品,更成了我们不想被人打扰时最爱用的小道具。我们恨不得在耳机的左右印上“肃静”和“勿扰”的字样,才能让那些不明就里的人搞清楚这是种“礼貌”的屏蔽。我们一边躲在耳机营造的自我空间里
《悲喜边缘的旅馆》(Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet)是美国著名华裔作家杰米·福特(Jamie Ford)于2009年创作的第一本小说,也是获得最多好评的小说。  华裔男孩亨利·李(Henry Lee)和其日裔女孩山田圭子(Keiko)是雷尼尔学校仅有的两名非白人学生,于是他们很快结识并成为知心好友。但Henry的父亲反对他们交往,导致两人失去了联系。
For some, it’s a spider. For others, it’s an unexpected run-in with an ex. But for me, discomfort is a dot with a number in it: 1,328 unread-message notifications? I just can’t fathom1 how anyone live
2018年秋,一部全亚裔阵容的好莱坞电影《摘金奇缘》(Crazy Rich Asians,直译为“疯狂的亚洲富豪”)在美国掀起狂潮,并在年末引入中国市场。此片改编自新加坡华裔作家关凯文(Kevin Kwan)同名小说,原小说共三部,除《摘金奇缘》外,还有《中国富豪女友》(China Rich Girlfriend)和《富人问题一箩筐》(Rich People Problems),皆围绕有钱的华人展
作为一名英文教师,一个难以回避的问题就是学生时不时都会问,“老师,XXX的英文怎么说?”。中翻英的问题特别棘手,学生感兴趣的又往往是少有标准答案的文化特色词或是热门流行语。这些词语的英译,要不从缺,要不毫无头绪,要不连各路专家都莫衷一是。对于学生这方面的提问,我们无从准备,无法照本宣科,每一次都是惊奇,每一次也都是挑战。  学生总认为老师无所不知,然而事实远非如此。在师生面对面的场合,当教室里众多
读书,唤醒了李善友内心深处的一种东西,他觉得那叫“民族血脉”    北京,后海。水波荡漾,微风流转。  在这样一个惬意的下午,与同窗老友品茶聊天的搜狐公司高级副总裁兼总编辑李善友,显得轻松而闲适。彼时,距离他递交辞呈已经过去了一个多月。  这一个月来,读书、讲课、写作,李善友充分享受着属于自己的生活,而这,在以前忙于工作时是无法体会的。他甚至把MSN签名改成了“新生活,新开始”,每天都精神抖擞,心
One day, it is March 15, 1917, the librarian of the Zurich(苏黎世,瑞士地名)library is astonished. The hands of the clock point to nine o’ clock, and the seat is empty where this most punctual(准时的)of all book