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最近一段时间,受奥运会第一、第二、第三组纪念币市场价格波动的影响,整个币市人气骤然降温,恐慌性的“空气”弥漫北京、上海市场,经营户和投资者均感受“春寒料峭”。特别是,1997年的行情泡沫破灭历历在目,更加剧了市场人士的忧虑。投资者担心“金银币的熊市是否提前到来”?“1997年的崩盘是否会重现”?鉴此,笔者通过自己在资本市场的经验以及在金银币市场的投资经验,得出这样一个结论:中国金银币长期向好趋势不变,调整是为了使行情走得更好更远,以价值投资和收藏的心态买入金银币是目前调整行情中最好的策略。 Recently, the popularity of the entire currency market has suddenly cooled down due to the fluctuations of the market prices of the first, second and third commemorative coins in the Olympic Games. The panic “air” permeated Beijing, Shanghai market, business households and investors Feel “Chill Chill ”. In particular, the burst of the market bubble in 1997 is vividly marked, exacerbating market concerns. Investors are worried about whether the bear market of gold and silver coins arrives ahead of schedule. “” Will the 1997 collapse reappear? "In light of this, the author draws his own experience in the capital market and the investment experience in the bullion market Such a conclusion: the long-term bullish trend of China's gold and silver coins unchanged, the adjustment is to make the market go better and farther, with the value of investment and the mentality of buying gold and silver coins is the best strategy to adjust the market.
The computational flow rate feedback and control method,which can be used in proportional valve controlled hydraulic elevators,is discussed and analyzed.In a hy
220台同创微机联网组成的“清华—同创微机实验室”和“清华—同创CAD微机实验室”6月27日在清华大学举行揭牌仪式,并正式投入使用。据介 The “Tsinghua-Tongchuang Micro
Borondipyrromethenes(BODIPY) are a class of fluorescent dyes whose fluorescence quantum yields are generally high and independent of the solvent.In this paper,w
摘 要:随着课程改革的深入,各学科都在追求它的实效性,政治课堂也不例外,如何在高中政治学习中激发学生学习兴趣和提高学生的思想觉悟,是每一位中学政治老师都在积极思考和探索的问题。在课改实践中,“案例教学法”已受到越来越多的政治课教学工作者的青睐,它改变了传统教学弊端,提高了教学效果,将政治教学由枯燥变为生动、由乏味变为有趣。  关键词:案例教学;政治课堂;课堂实效    由于现阶段的中学生具有好动、
松毛虫是一种鳞翅目昆虫 ,在四川省内较常见。其毛刺多 ,脆性大 ,且毛刺内有毒汁。当眼被松毛虫刺伤后 ,及时、正确的处理是治疗的关键。我院 1997年 6月— 2 0 0 1年 4月共