英文目录与摘要(English Contents and Abstracts)

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  Contents and Abstracts
  [Theories and Thoughts]
  Title: Understanding Ming Qing China through The Needham Question: Reflections on The Grand
  Titration: Science and Society in East and West………………………………………………………/3
  Author: Zhao Yifeng, Professor, Faculty for the Study of Asian Civilizations, Northeast Normal University,
  Changchun, Jilin, China, 130024.
  Abstract: Joseph Needham’s The Grand Titration: Science and Society in East and West provides so far the
  most systematic answer to the Needham Question, which would contribute significantly to understand the situation and potential of the Ming Qing science and technology, as well as the entire Chinese civilization. This article, first of all, points out that to understand this book, one needs to pay attention to Needham’s methodology, including cautious progressive point of view, anti-Euro-centralism, rejection of the five-stage evolution theory, and structural and civilizational perspectives. Secondly, this article summed up Needham’s explanations into three arguments, namely, Asian bureaucracy was the key institutional obstruction responsible for China’s failure of seeing a scientific and technological revolution; there was a profound gap between ancient and modern sciences; the differences on law of nature and world view between China and the West paved the different roads for Chinese and Western sciences. Further, the article commented Needham’s arguments based upon the author’s own researches in Ming Qing history including pointing out some vague and questionable points of view by Needham.
  Key words: Joseph Needham; The Needham Question; Ming Qing China; Chinese and Western science
  Title: Methodological Significance of Li Zhenhong’s Theses of “Qin to Qing Imperial Autocratic
  Author: Wang Yanhui, Professor, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun,
  Jilin, 130024, China.
  Abstract: Recently, scholars have published different opinions on the general nature of the imperial
  Chinese society from Qin to Qing. Among those, Professor Li Zhenhong’s series of articles holding that the Chinese society from Qin to Qing should be considered as a typical “imperial autocratic society” deserves serious attention. Taken political structural of state as the key concept, Li employed both theoretical and empirical methods to develop his theses. Li holds that in dealing with significant historical issues, one must first of all conduct a methodological retrospection; a generalization of the nature of a society must be based upon the ground of solid empirical studies; all types of historical studies take systematical and integrative way of thinking.   Key words: Li Zhenhong; Imperial Autocratic Society; empirical studies; systematical thinking
  [Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations]
  Title: A Chinese Translation of the “Tiglath-pileser Harem Edicts” with Commentaries……………/32
  Author: Fu Shiqiang, Ph.D. Candidate, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal
  University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.
  Abstract: “Tiglath-pileser Harem Edicts”, which were issued by Middle Assyrian king Tiglath-pileser,
  were primarily concerned with forbidding royal court attendants and servants, who were uncastrated, from entering into palace, and prohibiting royal eunuchs, court attendants and servants as well as water sprinklers from interacting with palace women. These edicts made rules about activities and behavior of the palace personnel, inflicted punishment for those who breached these rules. These documents aren’t only important materials for the study of the Middle Assyrian palatial system, its bureaucracy and its laws, but also show us the royal women’s role at that time.
  Key words: Middle Assyrian Period; Tiglath-pileser; harem edicts
  Title: Isaurians in the Late Antiquity and Their Identity………………………………………………/38
  Author: Liu Yangang, Lecturer, Department of History, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China.
  Abstract: Isaurians were typical internal barbarians in classical times. Their interactions with surrounding
  civilized areas covered two millennia. New patterns emerged in the conflicts and communication between the Isaurians and the later Roman Empire from the fourth century AD. Finally, the Isaurians became more civilized and integrated into the Roman society. Eventually, they took a very important part in the rebuilding of Byzantine Empire. The history and behavioral model of the Isaurians highlights the dilemma of traditional theoretical paradigms about barbarians.
  Key words: Late Antiquity; Isaurians; internal barbarians; Ammianus Marcellinus
  Title: Solon and the Athenian Institution of the State Funeral Rites……………………………………/52
  Author: Yan Shaoxiang, Professor, School of History, Capital Normal University, Beijing, 100048, China.
  Abstract: There is evidence among the classical writers to certify the beginning of the Athenian institution
  of the state funeral rites. One traces it to the time of Solon and the other to the Persian Wars. The present evidence refers to Solon because the view is consistent with Solonian political position and we have the evidence which is contained in Herodotus and Thucydides. However, the developed institution of the state funeral rites that were performed at the Cerameikos and a general gave a speech resulted from a long development. It probably came into the final form when Athens became the hegemony after the Persian Wars.   Key words: State Funeral Rites; Solon; historical evolution
  [Byzantine and the European Middle Ages]
  Title: The Divergences of the Image of Constantine the Great in Byzantine Sources from the Fifth to
  Sixth Century………………………………………………………………………………………/57
  Author: Wu Peng, Associate Professor, Faculty of History, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300350, China.
  Abstract: Constantin the Great, the first emperor of the Byzantine Empire showed a perfect personal image
  in the works of Eusebius Pamphilus. In the 5-6th century in the Byzantine sources, however, his image demonstrated significant divergences. The differences were closely related to the transformation of
  the Byzantine Empire and the Mediterranean world at that time, embodied in the three major issues,
  namely, Christianization; autocracy and the eastward shift of the center of the Empire. The writers of the same historical facts made different value judgments based upon their own positions and personal inclinations.
  Key words: The fifth to sixth Century; Byzantine Sources; Constantine the Great; Divergences of Image
  [History of Pre-Qin China]
  Title: A Study of the Compilation of Zuozhuan based upon the Text of Xinian……………….………/67
  Author: Zhang Chi, Ph.D. Candidate, Center for Excavated Texts Research and Protection, Tsinghua University,
  Beijing, 100084, China.
  Abstract: The comparison of Xinian(《系年》)and Zuozhuan(《左傳》)indicates that the compiler of
  Zuozhuan mainly employed two methods. First of all, materials were reorganized to fit the narrative framework of the Spring and Autumn Annals. Secondly, the materials were supplemented and modified to imitate the values of the Spring and Autumn Annals. There doesn’t exist a unitary inheritance relationship between Xinian and Zuozhuan. The unearthed enormous materials in recent years suggest that during the period when Xinian and Zuozhuan were compiled there were a large amount of other historical records available which is however disappeared in the present days. The formation of Xinian and Zuozhuan could be a result of the circulation of these records. The connection of Xinian and Zuozhuan is similar to a resource sharing relationship.
  Key words: Xinian; Zuozhuan; compilation
  [Imperial China]
  Title: A Textual Study of the Prisoner Soldiers and the Exiled Personnel Soldiers of the Qin and Han
  Dynasties…………………………………………………………………………………….………/76   Author: Sun Zhimin, Ph. D. Candidate, School of history and culture, Northeast Normal University, Jilin,
  Changchun, 130024, China.
  Abstract: In the Qin and Han military conscription practices, the government might send some prisoners to
  serve in the army, or force certain categories of people to serve in the army. The historical records mentioned the two types of personnel in different ways. The former was called chixingshi (弛刑士) or shixingshi (施刑士), while the later was called zhetu (谪徒) or zhezu (谪卒),etc.. Sending prisoners to serve in army was normally based on an imperial edict which represented a change of punishment, while sending other categories of people to serve in army was commonly a punishment to those people, such as fugitives, convicted former officials, bandits or thieves, as well as merchants and discriminated people. The practice of sending prisoners to army was a way of commutation, while forcing other people to serve the army was a practice of despotic rule.
  Key words: Qing-Han period; soldier conscription; military system; judicial system
  Title: A Story of Taxes and Corvée: The Experience and Memory of a Songjiang Xiucai during the
  Ming Qing Transitional Years………………………………………………………………………/83
  Author: Feng Xianliang, Professor, Department of history, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, China.
  Abstract: The years from Ming to Qing saw complicated social changes and diversity. In Songjiang
  Prefecture, previously powerful gentry’s domination of local society along with the establishment of
  the new dynastic control. Cao Jiaju (曹家駒), a lowest official degree xiucai (秀才) holder who
  had become involved in local governmental financial administration in the late Ming dynasty wrote a memoir in his late years entitled Shuomeng (《说梦》,talking about dreams). This memoir provides us with clear insights into the dramatic changes of local politics, the complex operation of taxation system, and the influence of the personnel mechanism behind. Cao Jiaju’s experience reflects many
  ordinary scholars fate in this era. In addition, Cao’s personal participation in the local taxation reform enabled him to discuss the subject of state and society from a rather broad perspective. Shuomeng is a valuable material for the study of local power structural transformation and practices, as well as the
  complexity of the Ming Qing historical inheritance.
  Key words:Late Ming; early Qing; Songjiang Prefecture; xiucai; taxes and corvée   Title: Sob in Corner: Economic Dilemma of Taizhou in Late Ming Dynasty and the Local Response
  Author: Li Xiaoqing, Ph.D. Candidate, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University,
  Changchun, Jilin, China, 130024.
  Abstract: The decline of the economy of Taizhou (泰州) in the late Ming dynasty was largely a result of
  the governmental policies concerning the Yellow River, Huaihe (淮河)River, and the Grand Canal. The needs of protecting the Grand Canal transportation as a priority led to frequent occupation and block of the Huaihe River waterway to the ocean, which consequently resulted in floods over the Huaiyang (淮扬) transportation roads, the royal tombs, and the counties along Xiahe (下河)River. The Ming Government eventually chose Xiahe River as the flood-relief area to protect the royal tombs. This brought about frequent water disasters in Taizhou (泰州) area and destroyed the originally excellent farming condition and the whole economy of Taizhou. The local gentry of Taizhou who had little influence to the state strategy appealed for taxation exemption without success. The Taizhou experience reveals that the so called local autonomy and initiatives were very weak as far as an interest contradiction with the state occurred. This case reminds us that the imperial power penetrated deeply into local society in late imperial China and it is necessary for researchers to take full account of the present of state power even in the studies of local history.
  Key words: Late Ming; Taizhou; economic dilemma; Yellow River; Grand Canal; local response
  [Eastern Asian History and Culture]
  Title: Choson Official Historical Writing about the Yuan Eastern Expeditions against Japan in
  Author: Sun Weiguo, Professor, School of History, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300350, China.
  Abstract: After a failure of compiling an official annalistic history of Koryo, the Choson government in
  King Se-chong period eventually accomplished the compilation of a 139 volume Jizhuan (紀传) style Koryo history. Entitled Koryo-sa, this work was considered a major effort to shape the legitimacy of the Choson dynasty. Concerning the Yuan eastern expeditions against Japan, this book emphasized the self-determination of Koryo and its skillful dealings with the Yuan, recorded Koryo’s supply of food and labors during the war in details, and mentioned all people of Koryo background serving in the Yuan government as traitors. By the Annals of King Zhong-lie and the Biography of Kim Fang-qin, Koryo-sa portrayed two Koryo generals as the heroes of the war, while the self-willed Mongolian commanders and the storms were told the factors responsible for the failure of the expeditions. Since this kind of description is obviously biased when the Chinese and Japanese historical books are equally examined, it is suggested that researchers need to take a broader perspective instead of a one nation point of view in the study of East Asian history.
  Key words: Koryo-sa; Kublai Khan; Eastern expeditions; King Zhonglie; Kim Fangqing
  English Contents and Abstracts………….……………………………………………………………………/123
  Comprehensive Table of Contents of 2017…….……………………….…………………….………………/127
  Editor’s Notes…………………….…….……………….…………………….….….………………/cover page 2
  Call for Papers…………….…………..….……………………………………….…..……….……/cover page 3
〔摘要〕自2004年以来,广东省中小学心理健康教育十分注重“发展性心理健康教育模式”的构建,它是广东中小学心理健康教育的特色和主要工作经验。本文对此进行了详尽的阐述。  〔关键词〕心理健康教育;广东;模式  〔中图分类号〕G44〔文献标识码〕A〔文章编号〕1671-2684(2009)11-0016-03    一、“发展性心理健康教育模式”的构建与意义    1.广东中小学“发展性心理健康教育模
阿娟的微信同学群里,有几个很会过日子的家庭主妇,阿娟常常和她们探讨治家之道。这天傍晚,班长阿懒忽然在群里发话:“花菜便宜了!”阿娟看到后,下班就去了农贸市场,果然花菜最便宜,就买了一些回家。  没过几天,阿懒又在群里发消息:“西红柿价格见底了!”阿娟的孩子好这口,她就跑到附近的集市,发现西红柿的价格果然跌了一半。  阿懒的这一举动,让大家省了不少钱。  这天午后,阿娟在群里表示了感谢,阿懒却说:“
最新一期的美国《时代》周刊题为《美墨边境墙:150亿美元》的封面文章提到,特朗普提出在美国与墨西哥边境修建的隔离墙将耗费120亿到150亿美元,但支付方式尚未确定。特朗普在竞选中承诺要墨西哥承担这笔开销,但墨西哥总统培尼亚坚持认为,墨西哥绝不会为此“买单”。  2017年2月4日的《华盛顿邮报》  刊登一篇题为《也门空袭点燃圣战之火》的文章称,美国发动的也门空袭造成大量平民伤亡,这为极端分子的反美
唐天宝年间,读书人汪伦听说仰慕已久的李白来到了自己家乡,就写了一封邀请信,托人带给李白。信里除了简单介绍自己之外,只写了四句话:“先生好游乎?此处有十里桃花。先生好饮乎?此处有万家酒店。”  李白生性好酒、喜游,见信后欣然前往,但并未见到信中所言盛景。汪伦设宴款待,告诉李白,十里桃花者,地名也,并非真有十里桃花;万家酒店者,此处有一酒店,主人姓万,并不是真有一万家酒店。虽然被“忽悠”了,但李白还是
东北师范大学世界古典文明史研究所郭丹彤教授编著的《古代埃及象形文字文献译注》(三卷本)2015年由东北师范大学出版社出版。该书为教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划和国家出版基金项目资助成果,并入选 “十二五”国家重点图书出版规划。  古代埃及文献卷帙浩繁,内容宏富。《古代埃及象形文字文献译注》一书选取了最为重要和最具代表性的古代埃及象形文字文献,其中包括历史文献、宗教文献、科技文献以及教谕文献等。全书依
一人一狐的较量,究竟谁是赢家?  早年间,在皖南的大山里,有个单家村,村里有个猎手叫单常胜。他眼光敏锐、身手矫健,打起猎来,只要他瞄上了,无论天上飞的、地上跑的、水中游的,全都跑不了。为了能打上好猎物,他总是一个都不放过。  这年刚进“三九”,大雪初晴,饿了很多天的野兽纷纷出窝觅食,这正是打猎的好时机。单常胜把棉袄一紧,穿靴戴帽,背上猎枪就出了门。  单常胜走了一段路,发现雪地上有一行细碎的狐狸脚
【案例背景】  在初中思品教学过程中,教师往往精心预设教学情境,教学互动设计的问题也只是让学生被动地参与回答,让学生围着老师的教学思维转,导致学生处于一种“被学习”的消极状态之中,缺乏自主认知事物的原动力,更游离于发现、探索的边缘。我们的课堂就会缺乏灵动,毫无生机,学生的情感、态度、价值观就会无法得到升华。新课程标准要求教师切实实施“以生为本”的教学理念,教师要俯下身来倾听学生的声音,走进学生的心
1 你必须再帮我检查检查。”我恳求。  “我已经反复检查了,什么也没发现。”均豪生气地取下他的听诊器,脱下了他的白大褂。  “我没说谎!我真的觉得额头上被安装了芯片之类的东西。”我重申。  均豪叹了一口气,“你是精神科医生。”  我懂他的意思。  他的意思是,我应该知道自己是一名妄想症患者。  可是,他错了!  我没有妄想成为宇航员,也没有妄想被谁迫害,我只是觉得有些地方不对劲,比如,我去咖啡厅,
李娟的老公是甘肃省兰州市能源系统的一位处长,因为手握审批大权,时常有灰色收入。靠着这些收入,李娟买了不少奢侈品。但她的名牌只能穿在家里。锦衣夜行的郁闷令李娟抓狂。于是,她使用变脸软件,化名在网络炫耀。  但是,假面炫富真的安全吗?2019年8月,李娟的老公因被举报财产与收入不符而被组织调查,李娟也因此激愤杀人,隐秘炫富终以血色收场……  为锦衣夜行抓狂:“富太”抖音炫富成名主  李娟今年36岁,老