
来源 :中学文科参考资料 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:user_lxy
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《中学理科参考资料》是广西优秀期刊,是高中学生最佳的学习参考资料.刊物为您剖析数、理、化教材的重、难点,提供最佳的方法和技巧.还将向您提供高考信息、复习方法、应试技巧与策略、能力训练等.几年来本刊出版数、理、化高考专刊,受到欢迎和好评,读者一再强烈要求继续出专刊.为此,本刊编辑部聘请全国各地的高考命题研究专家和名校名师,根据教育部基教[1998]5号文件的要求编写1999年高考专刊:化学,1998年第11、12期合刊,11月11日出版,定价4元;物理,1999年第1、2期合刊,元月11日出版,定价4元;数学,1999年第3、4期,当月11日版,每期定价2元,第 The “High School Science Reference” is an excellent journal in Guangxi and is the best study reference material for high school students. The publication will provide you with the best methods and techniques for analyzing the number, difficulty, and difficulty of high school students. It will also provide you with the college entrance examination. Information, review methods, test-taking techniques and strategies, and ability training, etc.. The publication of the publication, the special edition of the Liberal and College Entrance Examination for the past few years have been welcomed and praised, and the readers have repeatedly urged the continued publication of the special issue. To this end, the editorial department of this journal has hired all parts of the country. The college entrance examination proposition research experts and famous teachers, according to the requirements of the Ministry of Education Ji Jiao [1998] No. 5 document prepared the 1999 college entrance examination special issue: chemistry, 1998, the 11th, 12th issue, published on November 11th, pricing 4 yuan; , 1st and 2nd issue, 1999 combined publication, published on the 11th of January, priced at 4 yuan; mathematics, 1999, the 3rd and 4th period, the 11th of the month, each issue is priced at 2 yuan, the first
Askask主要作vt.用,有时作vi,主要表示:1.问,询问(1)跟名词或代词作宾语:I asked the way to the station.我问到车站的路.He asked me about my trip.他问我的旅行情况. A
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