
来源 :中国传媒科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunjian
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地市县电视台是我国电视传媒机构中的基层单位。与央视和省台卫视相比,地市县电视台在节目传播和受众收视方面有其自身的特点和规律。方言是一种地域化的文化,它承载着一部分传统文化。从某种意义上说,方言为当代人提供了一种精神上的归属感和安全感,特别能够引发文化和情感的共鸣。作为地市县电视台,有着自己独特的资源和优势,那就是地域上的接近感,更加熟悉发生在自己周围的事情,更容易贴近自己周围的受众群体。这些特点和规律决定了它的运行机制和节目采制应有别于央视和省台卫视。例如,在处于其主体和骨干地位的新闻节目中,运用方言进行采访,就是开掘新闻深度、增强新闻接近性的有效途径。 City and county television stations in China’s television media agencies in the grassroots units. Compared with CCTV and Provincial Taiwan Satellite TV, prefectural and county television stations have their own characteristics and laws in program distribution and audience rating. Dialect is a regional culture, which carries a part of traditional culture. In a sense, dialects provide contemporary people with a spiritual sense of belonging and security that can in particular generate a resonance of culture and emotion. As a prefectural and county television station, with its own unique resources and advantages, it is geographical sense of proximity, more familiar with what happened around themselves, and more easily close to the audience around them. These characteristics and laws determine its operating mechanism and program mining should be different from CCTV and Provincial Taiwan Satellite TV. For example, the use of dialects for interviews in news programs in its main body and its backbone is an effective way to explore the depth of news and increase the accessibility of news.
作文教学是中学语文教学的一个重要组成部分。作文教学效益是衡量语文教学质量的显著标志之一 ,尤其是在作文已成为中考、高考语文学科的半壁江山的今天 ,有识之士提出把改进
英语中的习语很丰富.学习一些简单的习语能让我们的英语学习变得更有趣哦!下面就为你介绍三个有关身体部位的有趣习语.rn1. head in the cloudsrn开小差rnhead in the clouds
和书面作文一样 ,口头作文也是交流思想、表情达意的工具。良好的口头作文能力 (即口语交际能力 )是现代公民的必备能力。一、初中生口头作文必须加强口头作文与书面作文是初
语文教学的一个最为重要的目的 ,无疑是提高学生的写作水平。而在语文教学中 ,对教师而言 ,最难教的是作文 ;对学生来讲 ,最难写的也是作文。在多年的语文教学实践中 ,我总结
本期我们来学习一下“m”音和“n”音.rn“m”和“n”都是鼻音.“m”发音时双唇紧闭,“n”发音时舌尖抵上齿龈,嘴巴半开.rn一起来读一读下面两组单词:rn(一) meat map middle