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现代科技进步理论认为,科技进步是指能够使一定数量生产要素的组合,生产出更多产出的所有因素共同发生作用的过程。其内容可概括为:①提高装备和产品的技术水平;②改革工艺;③提高劳动者素质;④提高管理决策水平等。 根据这一定义分析科技进步及其作用于经济的一般过程,可图示如下: The theory of modern science and technology advances that scientific and technological progress refers to the process that can make all the factors of a certain number of factors of production combine to produce more output. Its content can be summarized as: ① improve the technical level of equipment and products; ② reform process; ③ improve the quality of workers; ④ improve the management decision-making level. The general process of analyzing technological progress and its role in the economy on the basis of this definition can be illustrated as follows:
Global food security is a major development challenge dictated by state stability, resilience to geopolitical and economic shocks and is linked to health securi
Literature describing dietary intakes of lactating mothers in the United States (US) is limited and none of the existing studies attempts to identify whether di
An experimental study for the drying kinetics of whole okra was carried out. In the study, different ages were considered by taking into account influence of ok
1999年,我和严文团同志采写的通讯《37年,那崎岖的山路》在陕西省好新闻评选中荣获一等奖,是我们始料不及的。 此稿能够脱颖而出,是我和严文团同志勤于采访,深入挖掘人物的闪光点而写出