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全国城市职教中心研究会第九届年会在常州召开(摄影报道宁杲)全国城市职教中心研究会第九届年会于5月15至18日在常州召开。本届年会的主题是“职业学校的现代化工程”。来自各地职教中心和重点职校的60余人就教育观念、教学体系、办学模式、条件装备、师资建设、学校 The 9th Annual Conference of the National Research Center for City Vocational Education was Held in Changzhou (Photographic Report Ning Yong) The 9th Annual Conference of the National Research Center for City Vocational Education was held in Changzhou from May 15 to May 18. The theme of this annual meeting is “Modernization of Vocational Schools.” More than 60 people from vocational education centers and key vocational schools attended the seminars on the concepts of education, teaching system, mode of running schools, conditions and equipment, teachers’ construction, schools
[本刊讯]本钢技校根据国家劳动部有关申办高级技工学校的通知精神,根据本钢现状,结合学校多年办学实践和整体办学实力,决定申办高级技术学校。日前从国家劳动办、 Accordin
Deep, deep in the jungle(丛林), there is a monkey. His name is Monty. He is four years old and is very naughty (调皮的). Monty has a round face with big brown eyes. He has a long curly(卷曲的)tail which is ve
An English student went to a city in the south of America to study there. He walked around the city to look for a warm room to live in.  One evening, he was walking along the street with a map in his
1.There is a buffalo in the river.It lies in the water and would not come out.河里有头水牛,它卧在水里不愿意出来。2.The three brothers work shoulder to shoulder