Three Brothers

来源 :语数外学习(初中版上旬) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuaigekk1989
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1.There is a buffalo in the river.It lies in the water and would not come out.河里有头水牛,它卧在水里不愿意出来。2.The three brothers work shoulder to shoulder and make a string.They want to lead the buffalo home.弟兄三人齐心协力搓了根绳子,他们想把水牛牵回家。 1.There is a buffalo in the river. It lies in the water and would not come out. There is a buffalo in the river, lying in the water and unwilling to come out. The Three brothers work shoulder to shoulder and make a string. They want to lead the buffalo home.
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