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中国目前水利建设与经济社会发展的要求相比,投入强度明显不够,建设进度明显滞后,保障水平明显偏低。在国家各个基础设施部门之中,水利的投入强度最低,长期积累欠账,已经成为制约经济社会可持续发展的主要瓶颈。这是2011年中央一号文件出台的重要背景,也是国家下大决心进一步加快水利发展的根本原因。2010年水利公共财政投入约为 At present, compared with the requirements of economic and social development in China’s water conservancy construction, the input intensity is obviously not enough, the construction progress lags behind obviously, and the guarantee level is obviously low. Among various infrastructure departments in the country, the least investment in water conservancy and the accumulation of long-term loans have become the major bottlenecks that restrict the sustainable development of economy and society. This is an important background promulgated by the document No.1 of the Central Government in 2011 and is also the root cause of the great determination of the state to further accelerate the development of water conservancy. 2010 water conservancy public finance input is about
研究人员通过对糖尿病患者的调查分析发现,给予糖尿病患者的睾酮替代疗法的益处还有待于进一步评估。近日,在第66届美国糖尿病学会科学年会(ADA)上,来自于 Auxilium 专业制
Background & Aims: A significant proportion of Lynch syndrome cases are believed to be due to large genomic alterations in the mismatch repair genes hMLH1 and h
介绍品牌的概念、特性,并以ScienceChina(中国科学文献服务系统)建设为例,论述在知识经济环境下,中国科学院国家科学图书馆资源数字化品牌建设策略。 Introducing the conce
目的:探讨对比剂增强MRI评价类风湿(RA)患者用英夫利昔单抗治疗前和治疗后手部血管翳的价值。方法:本研究包括用氨甲喋呤治疗无效的13个类风湿患者(男2人,女11人, 年龄25-71
目的 观察类风湿关节炎(RA)患者血清中Ⅱ型胶原(CⅡ)抗体片段随病情发展的变化情况.方法 采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)选取抗CⅡ抗体阳性患者,用免疫印迹方法检测其CⅡ抗体片段阳性情况.结果 112例RA患者及120名健康对照人群中CⅡ抗体阳性率分别为19.6%和1.67%,22例CⅡ抗体阳性患者中20例可观测到阳性片段,其中最常见的特异位点抗体为CB10,CB11及D片段,其阳性率分别为4
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The construction of Three Gorges Project (TGP) is characterized by large construction scale,high construction intensity and complexity in technology.In view of