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社会资本作为影响区域经济发展和农户收入的重要因素而备受关注。本文以甘肃省张掖市、甘南藏族自治州及临夏回族自治州为研究区,基于农户调查资料,以信任、网络及规范作为社会资本的测算指标,测算了农户的社会资本指数,并对影响农户收入的因素进行分析。研究发现:(1)汉族地区社会资本指数高于少数民族地区;(2)社会资本对农户收入具有显著影响,其中,普遍信任、社会参与、嵌入网络中的资源及互惠规范对农户收入有显著正向影响。基于此,提出增加农户社会资本、提高农户收入的措施,以期为地区经济发展提供理论借鉴。 Social capital has drawn much attention as an important factor affecting the regional economic development and the income of farmers. In this paper, Zhangye City, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture and Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture of Gansu Province as a study area, based on the survey data of farmers, trust, network and norms as the measure of social capital index, measured the social capital index of farmers, and the impact of household income Factors for analysis. The findings are as follows: (1) The index of social capital in the Han nationality is higher than that in the ethnic minority areas; (2) Social capital has a significant effect on the income of the peasant households. Among them, the general trust, social participation, resources embedded in the network, Positive impact. Based on this, measures are put forward to increase the social capital of farmers and increase the income of farmers, so as to provide theoretical reference for the development of regional economy.
翻开历史画轴,中国汉、唐、元、清几朝政府,均对西部,尤其是现在的新疆、西藏,进行过大规模的开发活动。 西汉 出使西域屯垦戌边 西汉时期,朗官张骞两次出使西域,史家称之为
This paper reports the dark conductivity and photoconductivity of amorphous Hg_(0.78)Cd_(0.22)Te thin films deposited on an Al_2O_3 substrate by RF magnetron sp
【摘要】本文就火灾自动报警系统的发展情况及更换改造的实施方式进行探讨  【关键词】火灾自动报警系统;改造  【中图分类号】X928.7 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672—5158(2012)08—0076-01  引言:随着计算机技术和信息产业的快速发展,火灾自动报警系统从上世纪80年代在我国出现开始,到现在已经经历了若干代产品。随着时间的推移及产品的更新换代,有部分投入使用十几年的火灾自动
Field observation showed that there are many irregular leucocratic intrusive rocks in pillow lavas in the Danfeng Group in the Xiaowangjian area, north Qinling
肝胆管结石合并肝胆管癌在临床上较为少见,我们自1997年6月至2004年3月共收治22例,回顾分析如下.  资料和方法  1.一般资料:本组22例,其中男性15例,女性7例.年龄(39~72)岁,平均59岁.病史6个月至15年,有胆管炎发作史16例,表现为右上腹疼痛16例,寒战发热11例,黄疸12例.