Incidents and adverse events of endoscopic ultrasoundguided fine-needle aspiration for pancreatic cy

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tanmite123
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AIM To evaluate the diagnostic value and safety mainly regarding incidents of endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration(EUS-FNA) for pancreatic cystic lesions(PCLs).METHODS A total of 150 consecutive patients with suspected PCLs were prospectively enrolled from April 2015 to November 2016. We finally enrolled 140 patients undergoing EUS-FNA. We compared the diagnostic accuracy of EUS-FNA and pathological diagnosis, which is regarded as the gold standard, for PCLs. Patients undergoing EUS-FNA at least 1 wk preoperatively were monitored for incidents and adverse events to evaluate its safety.RESULTS There were 88(62.9%) women and 52(37.1%) men among 140 patients, with a mean age of 50.1(± 15.4) years. There were 67 cysts located in the head/uncinate of the pancreas and 67 in the body/tail, and 6 patients had at least 1 cyst in the pancreas. There were 75 patients undergoing surgery and 55 undergoing EUS-FNA with interval at least 1 wk before other operations, with 3 patients undergoing the procedure twice. The accuracy of EUS-FNA in differentiating benign and malignant lesions was 97.3%(73/75), while the accuracy of characterizing PCL subtype was 84.0%(63/75). The incident rate was 37.9%(22/58), whereas only 1 AE was observed in 58 cases.CONCLUSION EUS-FNA is effective and safe for diagnosis of PCLs, however procedure-related incidents are common. Caution should be taken in patients undergoing EUSFNA. AIM To evaluate the diagnostic value and safety primarily regarding incidents of endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) for pancreatic cystic lesions (PCLs). METHODS A total of 150 consecutive patients with suspected PCLs were prospectively enrolled from April 2015 to November 2016. We finally the enrolled 140 patients undergoing EUS-FNA. We compared the diagnostic accuracy of EUS-FNA and pathological diagnosis, which is considered as the gold standard, for PCLs. Patients undergoing EUS-FNA at least 1 wk preoperatively were monitored for incidents and adverse events to evaluate its safety .RESULTS There were 88 (62.9%) women and 52 (37.1%) men among 140 patients, with a mean age of 50.1 (± 15.4) years. There were 67 cysts located in the head / There were 75 patients undergoing surgery and 55 undergoing EUS-FNA with interval at least 1 wk before other operations, with 3 patients u The accuracy of EUS-FNA in differentiating benign and malignant lesions was 97.3% (73/75), while the accuracy of characterizing PCL subtype was 84.0% (63/75). The incident rate was 37.9% (22 / 58), only only 1 AE was observed in 58 cases. CONCLUSION EUS-FNA is effective and safe for PCLs, however procedure-related incidents are common. Caution should be taken in patients undergoing EUSFNA.
不知不觉,春天已经到来。  清晨,伴随着一声声清脆的鸟鸣和妈妈温柔的呼唤,我张开了眼。  一切都好像是刚睡醒的样子:太阳露出灿烂的脸庞,小草挺直了身躯,池塘里泛起微微波澜,连风儿也来凑热闹——风很温柔,抚摸万物的脸,就像母亲温暖的手掌。  吃过早饭,我迫不及待地冲出家门,去邂逅春天。  一出门,我便与清风撞了个满怀。空气中夹杂着清新的泥土芳香,混着青草味,我尽情呼吸这清新空气,顿感精神百倍。  走
据《中文核心期刊要目总览》编委会通知 ,“依据文献计量学的原理和方法 ,经过研究人员对相关文献的检索、计算和分析 ,并请学科专家鉴定” ,《深圳大学学报》(人文社会科学版
AIM To develop a MRI-based method for accurate determination of liver volume(LV) and to explore the effect of long-term everolimus(EVR) treatment on LV in PCK r
根据翡翠玉石毛料的产地 (厂口 )和表面特征预测玉石内部的变化规律 (主要是绿色翡翠的变化规律 )的学问 ,谓之“相玉学”。自缅甸翡翠的发现和开发以来 ,民间就开始了相玉的