Everolimus halts hepatic cystogenesis in a rodent model of polycystic-liver-disease

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mars1998
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AIM To develop a MRI-based method for accurate determination of liver volume(LV) and to explore the effect of long-term everolimus(EVR) treatment on LV in PCK rats with hepatomegaly. METHODS Thirty-one female PCK rats(model for polycystic-liverdisease: PCLD) were randomized into 3 groups and treatment was started at 16 wk, at the moment of extensive hepatomegaly(comparable to what is done in the human disease). Animals received: controls(n = 14), lanreotide(LAN: 3 mg/kg per 2 wk)(n = 10) or everolimus(EVR: 1 mg/kg per day)(n = 7). LV was measured at week 16, 24, 28. At week 28, all rats were sacrificed and liver tissue was harvested. Fibrosis was evaluated using quantitative image analysis. In addition, gene(quantitative RT-PCR) and protein expression(by Western blot) of the PI3K/Ak T/m TOR signaling pathway was investigated. RESULTS LV determination by MRI correlated excellent with the ex vivo measurements(r = 0.99, P < 0.001). The relative changes in LV at the end of treatment were:(controls) +31.8%;(LAN) +5.1% and(EVR) +8.8%, indicating a significantly halt of LV progression compared with controls(respectively, P = 0.01 and P = 0.04). Furthermore, EVR significantly reduced the amount of liver fibrosis(P = 0.004) thus might also prevent the development of portal hypertension. There was no difference in phosphorylation of Akt(Threonine 308) between LAN-treated PCK rats control PCK rats, whereas S6 was significantly more phosphorylated in the LAN group. Phosphorylation of Akt was not different between controls and EVR treated rats, however, for S6 there was significantly less phosphorylation in the EVR treated rats. Thus, both drugs interact with the PI3K/Ak T/m TOR signaling cascade but acting at different molecular levels.CONCLUSION Everolimus halts cyst growth comparable to lanreotide and reduces the development of fibrosis. m TORinhibition should be further explored in PCLD patients especially those that need immunosuppression. AIM To develop a MRI-based method for accurate determination of liver volume (LV) and to explore the effect of long-term everolimus (EVR) treatment on LV in PCK rats with hepatomegaly. METHODS Thirty-one female PCK rats (model for polycystic -liverdisease: PCLD) were randomized into 3 groups and treatment was started at 16 wk at the moment of extensive hepatomegaly (comparable to what is done in the human disease). Animals received: controls (n = 14), lanreotide (LAN: 3 mg / kg per 2 wk) (n = 10) or everolimus (EVR: 1 mg / kg per day) (n = 7). LV was measured at week 16, 24, 28. At week 28, and liver tissue was harvested. Fibrosis was evaluated using quantitative image analysis. In addition, gene (quantitative RT-PCR) and protein expression (by Western blot) of the PI3K / Ak T / m TOR signaling pathway was investigated. MRI correlated excellent with the ex vivo measurements (r = 0.99, P <0.001). The relative changes in LV at the end of treatment were :( controls +31.8%; LAN + 5.1% and EVR + 8.8%, indicating a significant halt of LV progression compared with controls (respectively, P = 0.01 and P = 0.04) It was also that difference in phosphorylation of Akt (Threonine 308) between LAN-treated PCK rats control PCK rats, whereas S6 was significantly more phosphorylated in the LAN group. Phosphorylation of Akt was not different between controls and EVR treated rats, however, for S6 there was significantly less phosphorylation in the EVR treated rats. Thus, both of the two kinase interact with the PI3K / Ak T / m TOR signaling cascade but acting at different molecular levels .CONCLUSION Everolimus halts cyst growth comparable to lanreotide and reduces the development of fibrosis. M TORinhibition should be further explored in PCLD patients especially those that need immunosuppression.
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