适应市场经济 做好专利工作

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重视宣传教育,提高认识水平 专利制度是国家采用法律和经济手段,指导和推动科学技术发展的一种管理制度。专利法则是这一制度的法律保证。它的颁布与实施标志着我国知识产权保护工作已与国际社会接轨,将为在我国保护发明创造者的正当权益,推动科学技术进步,促进经济增长和社会发展,维护公平竞争起到强有力的推动作用。第四军医大学领导非常重视专利法和专利知识的宣传教育工作,多次召开专题会议进行宣传,并请总后勤部专利局和陕西省专利局的专家来校进行讲学活动,通过一系列有组织的活动,使全校管理和科技人员认识到专利法的实施是我国促进科技发展,加快改革开放的一大举措,是邓小平同志“尊重知识,尊重人才”思想的具体化、法律化,为广大科技人员的发明创造提供了良好的条件。 制定措施制度狠抓工作落实 Paying Attention to Publicity and Education and Raising the Level of Cognition The patent system is a system in which the state adopts laws and economic means to guide and promote the development of science and technology. Patent law is the legal guarantee of this system. Its promulgation and implementation indicate that the protection of intellectual property in China has been in line with the international community and will be strong in protecting the legitimate rights and interests of inventors and creators in our country, promoting scientific and technological progress, promoting economic growth and social development, and safeguarding fair competition Promote the role. The leaders of the Fourth Military Medical University attached great importance to the publicity and education on the patent law and patent knowledge and held special meetings for publicity many times. They also invited experts from the Patent Office of the General Logistics Department and the Patent Office of Shaanxi Province to come to the school for lectures and conduct activities through a series of organized So that all management and scientific personnel in the school will realize that the implementation of the Patent Law is a major move for our country to promote the development of science and technology and speed up the reform and opening up. It is the embodiment and legalization of Deng Xiaoping's thought of “respecting knowledge and talents” Personnel to create the invention provides good conditions. Formulate a system of measures and pay close attention to the implementation of the work