Research on Natural Gas Short-Term Load Forecasting Based on Support Vector Regression

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wu511526198209172515
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Natural gas load forecasting is a key process to the efficient operation of pipeline network. An accurate forecast is required to guarantee a balanced network operation and ensure safe gas supply at a minimum cost. Machine learning techniques have been increasingly applied to load forecasting. A novel regression technique based on the statistical learning theory, support vector machines (SVM), is investigated in this paper for natural gas short-term load forecasting. SVM is based on the principle of structure risk minimization as opposed to the principle of empirical risk minimization in conventional regression techniques. Using a data set with 2 years load values we developed prediction model using SVM to obtain 31 days load predictions. The results on city natural gas short-term load forecasting show that SVM provides better prediction accuracy than neural network. The software package natural gas pipeline networks simulation and load forecasting (NGPNSLF) based on support vector regression prediction Natural gas load forecasting is a key process to the efficient operation of pipeline networks. An accurate forecast is required to guarantee a balanced network operation and ensure safe gas supply at a minimum cost. regression technique based on the statistical learning theory, support vector machines (SVM), is investigated in this paper for natural gas short-term load forecasting. SVM is based on the principle of structure risk minimization as opposed to the principle of empirical risk minimization in conventional regression techniques. Using a data set with 2 years load values ​​we developed prediction model using SVM to obtain 31 days load predictions. The results on city natural gas short-term load forecasting that SVM provides better prediction accuracy than neural network. The software package natural gas pipeline networks simulation and load forecasting (NGPNSLF) based on support vector reg ression prediction
在这个人们不习惯安静、对噪音的存在安之若素、缺少沉静下来去聆听的经验的世界,霍河雨林里的一块小红石静静地宣告着安静的宝贵。  “天山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。”这是一个绝好的寂静的氛围;漫天大雪下,着一身蓑笠,无声无息地等待水中的鱼,耳朵里只有雪花簌簌的声音。葛丽泰·嘉宝曾说:“别管我,让我一个人孤独。”戏外的生活简单如白水,只一人安静地读书、溜狗,这种安静已融于她的骨血中,使她的每一个角色都带着令人着
我们党解决民族问题可以概括为三句话:第一是高度重视,始终把民族问题作为 革命和建设总问题的一部分给予高度重视;第二是实事求是;第三是博大胸怀。 中国解决民族问题称得上有“
笼中之鸟,虽有水食之足,却无自由可言;楼里之雀,既無一日三餐,亦无自由之身。笼中鸟,虽无自由却有自知之明——它不乱飞乱撞;楼里雀,虽有一片自由之地,却被一扇窗户束之高楼。它只想出去,便不停地撞窗户,可终究是出不去。面对此情此景,我又笑它,又怜悯它。  咣咣唧喳的声音接连跳进我的耳朵,吵醒了正午休的我。向声源望去,是一只鸟,我叫不上名字的鸟。  起初,我很生气,睡得好好的,突然被吵醒,心中的怒火瞬间