Discussion of the Translation Session in Shanghai Gaokao English Examination from a Critical Perspec

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  1. Introduction
  This paper aims to discuss and critique the translation session in Shanghai Gaokao English paper. Translation here refers to translating a Chinese sentence into corresponding English versions and students are required to use given key words or expressions in their translation. For example,
  Though abundant supplies give more choices for the customers in modern society, they also turn many people into a shopaholic.
  (Shanghai Municipal Educational Examinations Authority,2014)
  Translation has been adopted as a test format since 1998 and the number of sentences to be translated is four from the year 2017. Not only does the translation format test the basic skills of translation, but also it tests the ability to comprehensively use vocabulary, grammar and sentence structures and furthermore, it involves students’ proficiency in differentiating the difference between Chinese and English, especially when dealing with the translation of Chinese proverbs (Shanghai Municipal Educational Examinations Authority,2015).
  Therefore, it is not hard for us to realize that the effectiveness of translation as a test can exert significant influence in English teaching and learning because as long as a test is considered important, like Goakao, the preparation for it is prone to dominate and guide all teaching and learning activities (Hughes, 2003). However, the research into translation as a test format on the secondary school level is rare, which may be attributed to the fact that it seems only Shanghai tests translation in Gaokao so far, which is worth critical discussion, though.
  2. Discussion
  2.1 Reliability
  In any translation test, reliability is the first and significant aspect to be taken into account and guaranteed. (Li, 2013). Reliability concerns the ‘consistency of test judgments and results’ (Davies, 1990, p. 21) and according to Hughes (2003), the reliability of a test can be quantified by analyzing its reliability coefficient, which enables us to compare the reliability of different tests. In other words, if a reliability coefficient of a test is 1, to great extent, it shows that the test can offer identical results for a particular group of candidates in spite of when it happened to be carried out (Hughes, 2003). Since the overall scores of the translation session have varied a bit, the passing rate is used to compare in the present study and the passing rate of the translation session seems quite stable (around 0.6), therefore in this case, the current translation test appears reliable.   However, it is not convincing to judge the reliability of a test only from one perspective, so Li (2001) asserts that the reliability of a translation test can be judged from the quality and quantity of the test, the implementation of the test and assessment of the test.
  2.1.1 Test contents
  It is acknowledged that the test contents should be consistent to the language skills to be tested (Li, 2013). Unfortunately, it is true that the current translation session is to test students’ ability to translate correct and fluent sentences by using the language knowledge they have acquired, which is clarified by Shanghai Municipal Educational Examinations Authority (2015), but the test contents lack variety as only sentences are required to be translated. Also, sentence translation restricts students in bringing their translation proficiency into play (Li, 2013). Since translation is to test students’ compressive use of language as mentioned above, accordingly, the test contents need diversity as well, which, to some extent, can ensure the objectivity and consistency in the assessment of the test (Zou, 2005). Based on the students’ language proficiency and practicability of the test, it is suggested to add short paragraph translation here because any language teaching and learning activities cannot separate from the context. As Shao (2003) points out that translating a passage can better reflect students’ ability to use language and to tell the difference between Chinese and English in terms of semantics, sentence meaning, rhetoric and cultural understanding. In short, in terms of test contents, current translation testing seems not that reliable.
  2.1.2 Test assessment
  The reliability of the test assessment involves the test-rater’s consistency and inter-raters’ consistency. In other words, every test-rater has to follow the assessment criteria in a constant and strict manner (Li, 2013). Translation, as an objective testing, can be assessed through mechanical method, impression method and analytical method (Liu, 1991) and the mechanical method is used to assess the current translation testing, in which marks are reduced related to the quantity of errors in the translation. Let’s look at the translation session in 2014 as an example. The score for 5 sentences is 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, respectively. Test raters will be classified into several groups and each group will mark specified one or two sentences. Furthermore, each group has a leader, who is responsible for setting the detailed assessment criteria based on the reference answers provided by test-makers, and before setting the detailed criteria, test-raters and the leader randomly pick up several papers to mark and discuss. Also, every sentence is marked by two raters on the computer, which is delivered automatically and confidentially and the mean score of the two raters is the final score for the student. However, if the score gap between the two markers is over 1, this sentence will be delivered to the group leader to mark again. Although this kind of marking is considered to reflect atomistic view of language, which separates the language patterns unnaturally (Li, 2001), considering the testing contents and stake of Gaokao, the present assessment seems to be fair and reliable.   It is true that after repeated practices, most of students manage to translate sentences quite fluently and correctly but the elegance of the translation fails to show up and the score lacks discrimination if applying mechanical method (Li, 2013). Therefore, it is advised to combine synthetic approach and analytic approach to assess (Li, 2001). But it is impossible to assess only one test pattern by using different assessment approaches and thus test contents need variety. To sum up, test contents and assessment are indispensible and intertwined to each other.
  2.2 Validity
  Language testing is an approach to measure one’s language proficiency in different situations and for different purposes (Allison, 1990). That is to say, if the score of a test can indicate one’s language proficiency, that score has to be reliable and valid as well. Hence, reliability and validity are interlocked as reliability is not a sufficient but essential component of validity (ibid.) Also, Alderson, Clapham
【摘要】随着经济发展水平、科技综合实力的快速提升,国际交流与合作愈发密切频繁,当今社会对各种语言翻译的需求量日渐增多, 各类高效多样化的翻译方式层出不穷, 促使翻译的角度和速度得到了优化和拓展。利用网络资源和电子工具对翻译工作进行辅助已经成为了一种必然趋势。在快节奏的21世纪,恰如其分的利用电子翻译工具能够减轻工作负担,节省部分时间来放松娱乐,人们也能在查找的过程中学习到更多翻译小窍门和专业知识。
【摘要】近义词辨析一直是英语教学的重难点,通过检索当代英语语料库(COCA)中同义动词announce,declare和proclaim的使用情况,从其频次、搭配探讨本组同义动词的区别和实际用法,进而帮助学生更好掌握本组同义词。  【关键词】“announce, declare and proclaim”;语料库;同义词  【作者简介】王佳敏,浙江师范大学。  一、引言  同义词(synonym)
【摘要】游戏教学在现在的小学教学中被广泛应用,尤其是在小学英语教学中应用程度最高。所谓游戏教学,就是通过游戏创造一个轻松愉快的学习氛围,但是游戏教学并不是会降低教学效率教学方法,而是在游戏中明确教学目标,提高了学生的学习积极性,保证了教学的高校。本文通过探讨游戏应用到小学英语教学课堂实践中的策略,旨在为提高小学英语教学效果提供依据。  【关键词】小学英语;趣味性;游戏;课堂实践;效率  分析小学生
【摘要】培养阅读能力的角度来看,仅限于课文的阅读教学是远远不够的,英语报刊题材多样,内容丰富,将有利于学生优化英语学习方式,从而激发学生学习英语的兴趣,最终提高了学生综合运用英语的能力和终身阅读习惯,实现了英语学科素质教育的总体目标。  【关键词】英文报刊;阅读能力;综合运用语言;终身阅读习惯  【作者简介】袁泉,重庆凤鸣山中学。  纵观几年高考,阅读理解试题立足语篇,稳中有变,变中求新。试题从领
【摘要】文学是人类历史的伟大发明,要保证文学作品跨越国家和地域的限制,就必须对文学翻译的技巧进行深入研究。基于此,本文就文学翻译中跨文化视角的转换及策略进行研究,首先对跨文化视角的概念进行阐述,然后从地域差异、思维差异、历史差异和宗教差异四个方面分析文学翻译中造成文化视角不同的原因,进而对应用跨文化视角进行文学翻译的重要性进行说明,最后提出一些切实可行的转换策略。  【关键词】文学翻译;跨文化视角
【摘要】随着新课程教学改革的出现,以及素质教学的不断深入,对于初中生的教学目标,教育部门也做出了一定的优化以及改进。在传统的教学模式中,教育部门会过分关注学生的考试成绩。在初中英语教学的过程中,运用师生互动的教学模式不仅能够提升教学的有效性,同时也能促进学生的综合发展。基于此,本文将对如何在师生互动的教学模式下提升初中英语教学的高效性进行分析。  【关键词】师生互动;初中英语教学;高效教学;教学对
【摘要】本文主要围绕情景教学法在小学英语中的应用展开研究,通过分析生活情景和多媒体模拟情景以及游戏情景等在英语教学中的作用,推动学生在此过程中掌握新的学习方法,推动学生实现新发展,提高学生的英语水平。  【关键词】情景教学法;小学英语;课堂教学;具体应用  【作者简介】邵红,浙江省台州市椒江区中山小学。  在经济全球化迅速发展的形势下,学好英语不仅是教育的要求,也是为国家经济发展培养人才的需要。情
【摘要】高考英语试卷的阅读理解部分共有五篇文章,在150分里占了40分,是高考英语试卷的重要组成部分。涉及内容包括:科普,历史,地理,文化,人物,故事,新闻,广告等等;题材多样,体裁各异,而且也是贯穿于整个高考英语的一条主线。  【关键词】中学生英语;阅读理解;能力培养  纵观英语高考试卷,我们不难发现,高考阅读理解题目中涉及低能力要求的事实和细节题逐步减少,而涉及较高能力的语篇分析、文章概括、上
【摘要】以学为中心是指以学生主动学为基础的教学模式,需要教师重新分析学生、教师在课堂教学中的地位与作用,保证初中生能够在英语课堂中主动利用自身的学习能动性与英语知识储备来探究新知,由此总结出学好英语的客观规律,形成可持续发展能力。本文将从在初中英语教学中构建以学为中心英语课堂的时代背景与实施策略两个角度出发,分析初中英语教学构建生本课堂,提升学生学习能力的相关问题。  【关键词】初中英语;以学为中