
来源 :长春理工大学学报(高教版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiuyuwusheng
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围绕着老子“无为而治”“道法自然”“以人为本”等管理观念和原则,笔者认为,老子的“无为”思想是一种强烈关注社会、关注人生的入世哲学;道家主张的顺其自然的无为管理模式,同现代管理科学的自动化管理思想十分贴近;老子的管理思想是以人为本的管理观。老子在两千多年前的论述特别是其管理思想的论述,就其主旨而言,至今仍然具有重要的研究和参考价值。 Around the ideas and principles of Lao Tzu, “Doing Nothing That Goes Against Everything”, “Taoism Naturally” and “People-Oriented”, the author believes that Lao Tzu’s thought of “Nothingness” is a kind of one who is keenly concerned about society and pays attention to life Philosophy; Taoist advocated natural inaction management mode, with modern management science is very close to the idea of ​​automated management; Lao Tzu’s management thinking is people-oriented management concept. I lasted more than two thousand years ago, especially his discourse on management thinking, in terms of its purpose, still has important research and reference value.
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水半夏 ,又名一滴珠、独叶一枝花、独龙珠等 ,为天南星科半夏属的植物 ,以块茎入药。亩产500~600公斤 ,亩产值2400~3000元 ,该品种易种易管 ,技术要求不高 ,是农友们致富的好门路。现简要介绍
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