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传统道德与市场经济并不是互不相容的,二者有相辅的矛盾联系。传统道德没有一般地反对言利,只是在利与义发生冲突时,强调舍利而取义。传统道德的含义和表现形式具有时代性。我们现在说的传统道德,既对过去的东西有较大的承传性,又有新的社会生活内容。传统道德的时代性趋同于社会主义市场经济的本质要求,对规范市场经济有积极的补充作用。从我国社会主义切级阶段的实际出发.继承和弘扬传统道德中的精华.扬弃其封建主义小农经济的不利因素,是发展具有中国特色的社会主义市场经济的必要条件。我们没有必要在强调市场规律时,把传统道德推向严重对立的方面。 Traditional morality and market economy are not mutually exclusive, and both have complementary contradictions. Traditional morality does not generally oppose rhetoric, but only emphasizes relics when there is a conflict between righteousness and justice. The meanings and forms of traditional morality are of the times. The traditional morals we now speak of have greater bearing on the things in the past and new contents of social life. The convergence of the times of the traditional morals with the essential requirements of the socialist market economy provides a positive supplement to regulating the market economy. From the reality of our country’s stage of socialist development. Inherit and promote the essence of traditional morality. The unfavorable factors of abandoning its feudal peasant economy are the necessary conditions for the development of a socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics. It is not necessary for us to push traditional morality to a serious antinomy in emphasizing the laws of the market.
苏有朋属于哪个时代,到现在谁也不敢断言。他的成功离不开三个因素:年轻、机遇、努力。 Alec Su belongs to which era, up to now no one can assert it. His success can no