Weighted estimates for iterated commutators of multilinear Calderón-Zygmund operators on non-homogen

来源 :中国科学:数学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chchchop
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Let (x,d,μ) be a non-homogeneous metric measure space satisfying the so-called upper doubling and geometrically doubling conditions,which includes the space of homogeneous type and the Euclidean space with the non-doubling measure as special cases.Let T be a multilinear Calderdn-Zygmund operator and (b) :=(b1,...,bm) be a finite family of RBMO(μ) functions.In this paper,some weak-type multiple weighted estimates for the iterated commutator TΠ(b) generated by T and (b) are obtained.
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本文基于适配体识别和生物条形码放大策略,以MCF-7细胞和粘蛋白(MUC1)为目标物, MUC1的特异性适配体(rcDNA)为分子识别物质, Ru(phen)2+3为信号物质, rcDNA通过巯基自组装于金电极表面作为传感界面,发卡DNA (hpDNA)和rcDNA通过巯基自组装在金纳米粒子(AuNP)表面合成的hpDNA/AuNP/rcDNA为生物条形码探针,建立了测定MUC1和特定细胞的电化学