
来源 :生态农业研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:windflyness
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河南省灵宝市地处豫西边陲,以黄土丘陵和山地地貌为主,全市有73万人口,其中农业人口68万人。灵宝市是苹果种植最佳适生区,灵宝苹果享誉国内外。目前,该市有果树3.64万hm~2,年产水果5亿kg,产值4.5亿元,水果产值占农业总产值的60%以上,为灵宝市支柱产业之一。果树面积不断扩大使该市粮食种植面积约减少1.3万hm~2,饲草饲料大量减少,畜禽养殖数量迅速下降,有机肥生产供应量比发展果树前约减少40%。为追求果园高产,广大果农专程从内蒙古自治区和甘肃、青海省等地购买羊粪、鸡粪用以培肥地力,提高了苹果生产成本。该市焦村镇卯屯村农民卯 Lingbao City, Henan Province, is located in the western border of Henan Province, with loess hilly and mountainous landscape mainly, the city has 730,000 population, of which agricultural population 680,000. Lingbao is the best apple-growing area, Lingbao Apple is renowned both at home and abroad. Currently, there are 36,400 hm ~ 2 fruit trees in the city, with an annual output of 500 million kg of fruit and an output value of 450 million yuan. The output value of fruits accounts for more than 60% of the total output value of agriculture and is one of the pillar industries in Lingbao City. The continuous expansion of the area of ​​fruit trees reduced the grain planting area in the city by about 13,000 hm ~ 2, reduced forage and feedstuffs, the number of livestock and poultry decreased rapidly, and the supply and supply of organic manure decreased by 40% compared with that before the development of fruit trees. In pursuit of high-yield orchards, the majority of fruit growers purchased sheep manures and chicken manure from Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Gansu and Qinghai Provinces to cultivate fertility and increase the apple production costs. The town of Jocun Mao Tuen village farmers d
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在新课改下,作为高中思想政治教师,我们更多需要的是反思,做一个反思型的教师。通过教学反思,不断改进与提升专业知识和个人发展空间,不断发现问题、探究问题、解决问题,完善自我,逐步成为一名合格的人民教师。  一、教学反思的理论探析  1.教学反思的内涵  教学反思对教师专业发展、学校发展、国家教育事业发展都有着密切的关系。教学反思就是教师把自己的教学实践,作为反思对象进行全面、深入的思考和总结,看到自