美式重车入场券 Buell Blast500

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Buell这个品牌相信车迷们比较熟悉。这是一家闪耀在哈雷光环下的运动品牌,其主攻方向是美式运动型摩托车。Erik Buell于1983年创立BUELL品牌,独特的设计风格和创新技术让Buell在赛车场与车坛获得过众多荣耀与奖项。这个品牌的车在国内的保有量很少,我也是在6年前才有幸接触过一台XB12S,那台车给我留下了深刻的印象。强劲的扭矩让我至今难忘。但是 Buell believe that the fans are more familiar with this brand. This is a shining Halley aura under the sports brand, the main direction is the American sports motorcycle. Erik Buell founded the BUELL brand in 1983, unique design style and innovative technology to Buell in the racing circuit and car won many glory and awards. This brand of car ownership in the country is very small, I also had the honor to contact a XB12S 6 years ago, that car left a deep impression on me. Strong torque makes me unforgettable. but
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