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这款纯男性SUV,吹响了这家有志成为SUV专家的第二声号角。三菱旗下知名度最高的车型有两款,一款是EVO,而另一款就是帕杰罗(Pajero)。它们都是久经赛场考验的斗士。三菱帕杰罗自1982年正式亮相以来,如今已经历三次换代,其第一代车型于正式推出10年后进行换代,第二代与第三代也在推出7年后进行换代,目前市场上在售的是第四代车型。而帕杰罗运动版车型则是三菱于1998年开发生产的一款先进越野车型,劲畅则是第二代帕杰罗运动版车型。 This pure, male SUV blew the second horn of this SUV expert. Mitsubishi’s most famous models are two, one is EVO, and the other is Pajero (Pajero). They are all fights tested by the game. Mitsubishi Pajero since its official debut in 1982, has now undergone three generations, the first generation of models officially launched 10 years after the replacement, the second and third generations are also introduced seven years after the replacement, the current market in the sale The fourth generation models. The Pajero sports version of the model is Mitsubishi developed and produced in 1998, an advanced off-road vehicles, Jin Chang is the second generation of the Pajero Sport Edition models.
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