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据报载,有关部门不久前评出了十名“中华孝亲敬老楷模”。这个主题为孝亲敬老的评选表彰活动,被认为是构建中国和谐社会的重要举措。众所周知,孝道之行于天下,其时久矣。儒家以孝为本的道义,已经融入中华文化的核心,对我国社会影响可谓深远。然而,倘若剥离了文化道德因素,孝道之行更有客观原因使然。这种客观因由,出于人类生老病死之规律,人之 It has been reported that relevant departments not long ago rated ten “model filial piety relatives and elders in China.” This theme for the filial piety and honor selection and recognition activities, is considered to be building an important part of China's harmonious society. As we all know, filial piety trip in the world, as time goes by. Confucian morality based on filial piety has been integrated into the core of Chinese culture and it can be described as far-reaching impact on our society. However, if cultural morality is stripped away, there is more objective reason for filial piety. This objective reason, out of the law of human life and death, people
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随着全面建设小康社会的步伐加快,高度重视和全面推进社会主义文化建设的力度不断加大,面对我国社会的全面进步和时代的发展要求,不断深化文化体制改革,繁荣豫剧事业势在必行。我结合现在豫剧发展,以及前景,谈一点认识和看法。    豫剧艺术在精神文明建设中的地位和作用    首先,豫剧艺术是社会主义文化建设的重要组成部分。我国传统豫剧文化历史悠久,源远流长。豫剧作为一个地方剧种,也是通过舞台表演来反映历史和
There is actual and virtual appreciation of beauty within traditional Chinese aesthetics, and the intangible aesthetic of Peking Opera is of greater significanc
当我们看多了过多无比沉重、无比难看的“上海”电影之后,《夜。上海》应该还是能打动我们的——因为它的单纯、它的流畅、它的平易近人    从世人熟知的万国建筑外滩,到作为标志性建筑的东方明珠,再到逶迤在苏州河畔的破旧厂房……毫无疑问,《夜。上海》是一部讲述上海的电影,而且似乎是一部讲述主流上海的电影。  如果从这个角度来进入《夜。上海》,《夜。上海》恐怕就是一部平淡无奇的电影,一部被网友指认为“上海风