解\\"三难\\" 促发展

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近年来,延吉市新经济组织得到了 迅速发展,已成为全市经济建设的重要 组成部分。非公经济组织在活跃城乡经 济,满足社会需求,增加就业等方面,发 挥着越来越大的作用。如何加强在新经 济组织中党的建设,不断扩大党的工作 覆盖面,保证新经济组织的健康、稳定发 展,是当前和今后相当长时间里党的基 层组织建设中的重点和难点问题。从扩 大党的群众基础,巩固党的执政地位的 In recent years, the new economic organization in Yanji City has been rapidly developed and has become an important part of the city’s economic construction. Non-public economic organizations play an increasingly important role in boosting the economy of urban and rural areas, meeting social needs and increasing employment. How to strengthen party building in the new economic organizations, constantly expand the coverage of the party’s work, and ensure the healthy and stable development of the new economic organizations are the key and difficult issues in the process of building the party’s grassroots organizations for a long period of time and in the future. From expanding the mass base of the party and consolidating the ruling position of the party
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