
来源 :中国钱币 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liangxinnet
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清朝是我国封建社会最后一个王朝,也是我国古代铸币最后消失的时期。然而对清制钱的研究未引起人们应有的重视,尤其是对山西的铸币情况,涉及者更少。经初步探索,山西在清朝所铸制钱如下: 一、顺治通宝。顺治元年(1644年)冬由中央铸造“顺治通宝”小平钱。到顺治二年(1645年)令山西省和大同府设局开铸,由布政使总理全省钱法,委钱局所在之道府及同知通判等官分管局务,省局由太原府同知监铸,地址在上马街,所铸之钱正面为“顺治通宝”背面有穿右“原”字和穿上“原”字两种(图1、2),“原”代表山西省局。大同府局设在大同城内东北隅饯局巷,所铸之钱正面为“顺治通宝”,背面为“同”字,代表大同府局,现只发现有背穿右“同”字钱一种(图3)。省局开炉10座,大同府局开炉20座,规定每文钱重一钱二分,每10文准银1分。到顺治六年(1649)九月,因“戊子之变”,清政府下令废大同城,将府治移到阳和镇,大同府钱局也随迁到阳和镇,改名为阳和镇局,所铸之钱背文 The Qing Dynasty was the last dynasty of the feudal society in our country, and it was also the period when the ancient coinage of our country finally disappeared. However, the study of liquidation money has not aroused people’s due attention, especially for Shanxi coinage situation, involving fewer. After a preliminary exploration, Shanxi in the Qing Dynasty cast the money as follows: First, Shunzhi Tongbao. Shunzhi first year (1644) winter by the central casting “Shunzhi Tongbao” Xiaoping money. By the Shunzhi two years (1645) Shanxi and Datong Prefecture set up the bureau, by the Bush administration to the Prime Minister of the province’s money law, the governor of the money bureau and Tongzhi pass sentenced officials such as bureaux, the provincial bureau from Taiyuan House Tongzhijianzhu, address in the street, the money cast by the front of the “Shunzhi Tongbao” on the back wearing the right “original” word and put on the “original” two words (“original” on behalf of Shanxi Provincial Bureau. Datong government office is located in Datong city northeast compote Bureau Lane, the money cast by the positive “Shunzhi Tongbao”, the back of the “same” word, on behalf of the Datong Fu Bureau, only found that there is a back wearing the right “with” a money Species (Figure 3). Provincial Bureau opened 10, Datong Prefecture Bureau opened 20, the provisions of each text money one money two points, one silver for every 10 text. By the Shunzhi six years (1649) in September, due to “change of the wutai”, the Qing government ordered the abolition of Datong city, the government moved to Yanghe town, Datong House money bureau also moved to Yanghe town, renamed Yanghe town Bureau, the money cast back
她是学校里的一枝校花。长得如何漂亮且不说了,能歌善舞也不讲了,单是讨老师喜欢这一条,就没人能比。和她比,他就差远了。 She is a school of school flowers. Looks beaut
人教版六年级上册《青山不老》一文中有这样一句话:“15年啊,绿化了8条沟,造了7条防风林带,3700亩林网,这是多么了不起的奇迹。”以下是两位教师各自教学这一句话的片断。 P
教学对象一年级学生教学目标1.观察雪花,培养观察生活的能力。2.写自己想说的话,并乐于交流。培养写作兴趣和自信心。教学重点、难点引导学生写话时注意语言 Teaching objec