Ginkgo Huolinhensis sp.nov.from the Lower Cretaceous of Huolinhe Coal Field,Inner Mongolia,China

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cgogovocom
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A new species,Ginkgo huolinhensis sp.nov.,with well-preserved cuticle from the Lower Cretaceous,Huolinhe Formation of Huolinhe Coal Field in Inner Mongolia,China,was studied morphologically and anatomically.The main characters of the new species are found in the leaves which are deeply dissected with narrow lobes,trichomes developed on both upper and lower epidermal cells,a media papilla developed on the periclinal walls for each cell in upper cuticle,and no trichomes on the cuticle of the petioles.These characters of G.huolinhensis sp.nov.distinguish from the known species of Ginkgo previously reported.This study of the new species is beneficial for the taxonomic research of fossil Ginkgo,and should be helpful for a better understanding the paleoenvironment of Ginkgo living in northeastern China during the Early Cretaceous. A new species, Ginkgo huolinhensis sp. Nov., With well-preserved cuticle from the Lower Cretaceous, Huolinhe Formation of Huolinhe Coal Field in Inner Mongolia, China, was studied morphologically and anatomically. The main characters of the new species are found in the leaves which are deeply dissected with narrow lobes, trichomes developed on both upper and lower epidermal cells, a media papilla developed on the periclinal walls for each cell in upper cuticle, and no trichomes on the cuticle of the petioles. These characters of G. huolinhensis sp.nov.distinguish from the known species of Ginkgo ago reported. This study of the new species is beneficial for the taxonomic research of fossil Ginkgo, and should be helpful for a better understanding the paleoenvironment of Ginkgo living in northeastern China during the Early Cretaceous .
1 基本情况夏津县位于山东省西北部,东邻马颊河,西靠卫运河,系海河流域,属黄河冲积平原。全县辖19个乡(镇),507个行政村,48万人,总面积8-72万hm2,耕地面积5-57万hm2。全县风沙化土地面积2-04万hm2,涉及17个乡(镇),146个村, 1
吃粮,字面上的意思是吃粮食,其实是指“当兵”。这一词最早出现于《全唐五代词》卷七《敦煌词》:“十四十五上战场,手执长枪,低头泪落悔吃粮。”十四五岁就到了边疆当兵,手执长枪东战西杀。虽然有了饭吃,可是想到离乡背井,生死未卜,不免低头落下了眼泪。  为什么称当兵为“吃粮”?在中国长期封建社会中,吃饭问题是最严峻的问题。一有灾荒,人们就不得不流离失所。那时最好的、也是最无奈的出路是去当兵。也不知道为谁打
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