
来源 :中国神经精神疾病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:netease
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血管内淋巴瘤病是一种少见的恶性肿瘤 ,195 9年由Pfleger和Tappeiner首先描述 ,并命名为系统性血管内皮瘤病[1 ] ,以毛细血管、小静脉、小动脉管腔内淋巴样瘤细胞增生为特点 ,通常发生于中枢神经及皮肤 ,呈恶性进展性病程 ,病程 2周至十几个月不等。现报道我院 1例经 2次脑活检 Vaginal lymphoma is a rare malignant tumor that was first described by Pfleger and Tappeiner in 1959 and named systemic angio-nedothelioma [1]. Capillary vessels, small veins, arterioles, Tumor cell proliferation is characterized by usually occurs in the central nervous system and the skin, a malignant progressive disease course of 2 weeks to a dozen months. It is reported in our hospital in 1 case after 2 brain biopsies
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