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玉林市是广西粮食主产区。去年该市国有粮食购销企业实现扭亏为盈目标,粮食流通体制改革初显成效。在今年初广西区农业发展银行行长会议上,玉林分行作了积极参与粮改,协助粮食购销企业扭亏增盈的经验介绍,反响强烈。玉林市国有粮食购销企业摆脱困境的绝招是什么?今年又有什么新招?为此,最近我走访了该市辖内北流、博白、福绵三市(县、区)粮食局长。北流市:应用电脑结算粮款实行会计委派制一走进北流市粮食局李康局长的办公室,首先映入眼帘的是摆在桌上的电脑。于是我们的话题便从电脑开始了。去年北流市粮食局在8个夏粮入库任务较重的粮所率先使用电脑结算粮款,效果 Yulin is the main grain producing area in Guangxi. Last year, the state-owned grain purchase and sale business in the city achieved its goal of turning losses into profit, and the reform of the grain circulation system started to show prominence. At the meeting of the president of Guangxi Agricultural Development Bank earlier this year, Yulin Branch made a strong response to the experience of actively participating in the grain reform and assisting the grain buying and selling enterprises in turning losses into profits. What is the new trick for this year? Recently, I visited the grain bureau chief of the Beiliu, Bobai and Fumeng cities (counties and districts) within the jurisdiction of Yulin City. Beiliu City: the application of computer-based payment of grain to implement the accounting appointment system into the office of Beiliu Municipal Food Bureau Secretary Li Kang, the first thing that catches the eye is placed on the desktop computer. So our topic started from the computer. Last year, Beiliu Municipal Grain Bureau took the lead in using the computer to settle the grain payment in the 8 grain storage tasks with heavier workload
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双手的养护 细想起来,每个人的手都经历着艰辛的历程,每天东抓西抓地干活出力不算,还要随时准备接受各种恶劣天气的摧残,风吹、日晒、雨淋……,再糟糕的是人们的手还不可避
高劳动力成本花卉产品市场可参与竞争  现为我国赴美访问学者的西南林学院副教授梁荣纳 ,就“入世”对我国花卉业的影响问题发表看法时表示 ,不要期望“入世”会马上给我国