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小学综合实践课作为国家必修课程,已于近年纳入国家课程计划。对于综合实践活动的组织形式大家都困惑着:很多教师以为综合实践活动课就是让学生到校外去调查、访问,结果学生盲目活动,缺乏真正的深度体验;有的根据课程课时集中与分散灵活使用的原则,将实践活动集中在寒暑假开展,结果缺乏教师过程指导,导致实践活动有效性不够等等。结合我校开展的“绳文化”综合实践活动,我谈一谈在活动主题以及活动策划两方面的具体组织形式,与大家商榷。 Comprehensive primary school practice as a national compulsory course, has been included in the national curriculum in recent years. For the comprehensive practical activities of the organizational form we are confused: many teachers think that comprehensive practical activities is to allow students to go to school to investigate, visit, the results of the students blind activities, the lack of a real depth of experience; some according to the class time focus and decentralized flexible use The principle of practice will focus on winter and summer vacations, the results of the lack of teacher process guidance, resulting in lack of effectiveness of practical activities and so on. In combination with our comprehensive practice of “rope culture” carried out by our school, I will talk about the specific organizational forms in terms of both the theme of the activity and the planning of activities, and discuss with you.
每年的高考试题是我们探究问题的好素材。2011年高考数学山东卷第22题,尽管对平面解析几何的要求没有改变,但在考查方式上实现了较大的突破。 The annual college entrance
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The liquid flow in blast furnace hearth can result in the erosion of hearth. To prolong the campaign life of blast furnace, the effects of coke bed structure, c
初一新生要了解小学数学与初中数学的学科特点,做好小学升初中新阶段的过渡和衔接,及时调整,改进学习的思维和方法,形成良好的学习习惯。 The freshmen should understand t