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目的观察序贯培养以及序贯联合子宫内膜细胞共培养两种方法,对辅助生殖技术中废弃胚胎的体外培养效果。方法收集常规体外受精IVF周期中的废弃胚胎,分别采用两种不同方法序贯培养法和联合培养法(序贯培养与子宫内膜细胞共培养)继续培养2-4天,观察胚胎发育情况,并用化学发光法检测两组囊胚形成后培养液中的HCG水平,比较囊胚形成能力。结果共收集46个废弃胚胎,序贯培养组23个废胚,形成囊胚3个,囊胚形成率13.04%(3/23),其中2个为优质囊胚(66.67%);联合培养组23个废胚,形成囊胚9个,囊胚形成率39.13%(9/23),其中8个为优质囊胚(88.89%)。联合培养组的囊胚形成率显著高于序贯培养组,有统计学差异(P<0.05);联合培养组的优质囊胚形成率高于序贯培养组,但无统计学差异(P>0.05)。联合培养组囊胚培养液中HCG水平为103.82±51.81mIU/L,序贯培养组为10.63±3.30mIU/L,前者高于后者,有统计学差异(P<0.05。)结论废弃胚胎体外培养仍能发育至囊胚阶段;序贯联合子宫内膜细胞共培养的方法,与单纯的体外序贯培养相比,其囊胚形成率更高,是进行废胚继续体外培养的更有效方法。 Objective To observe the effects of sequential culture and sequential co-culture of endometrial cells on the in vitro culture of waste embryos in assisted reproductive technology. Methods The waste embryos were collected in routine in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles. Two different sequential culture methods and co-culture methods (sequential culture and endometrial cell co-culture) were used to continue the culture for 2-4 days. The embryonic development, The chemiluminescence method was used to detect the level of HCG in the culture fluid after the formation of two groups of blastocysts and the blastocyst formation ability was compared. Results A total of 46 embryos were collected and 23 embryos were removed. Three blastocysts were formed, the blastocyst formation rate was 13.04% (3/23), of which two were high quality blastocysts (66.67%). The combined culture group 23 waste embryos, 9 blastocysts were formed, blastocyst formation rate was 39.13% (9/23), of which 8 were high quality blastocysts (88.89%). The blastocyst formation rate in the co-culture group was significantly higher than that in the sequential culture group (P <0.05), and the high-quality blastocyst formation rate in the co-culture group was higher than that in the sequential culture group (P < 0.05). The level of HCG in the co-culture group was 103.82 ± 51.81mIU / L and that in the sequential culture group was 10.63 ± 3.30mIU / L, the former was higher than the latter (P <0.05) Culture can still develop to the blastocyst stage; sequential combination of endometrial cells co-culture method, compared with the simple in vitro sequential culture, the blastocyst formation rate is higher, the embryo to carry out in vitro culture more effective method .
阿巴卡韦过敏反应(ABC HSR)是欧美国家临床应用抗艾滋病药物阿巴卡韦时少数病例发生的过敏性多器官综合征。2001年发现HLA-B*5701等位基因与阿巴卡韦超敏反应密切相关,本文综
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病例:患者,女,32岁,智力及表型正常,女性第二性征尚可。结婚7年,怀孕3次,均在孕2个月时无明显诱因自然流产。非近亲结婚,无遗传病史,孕期无射线及读物接触史。 Case: Patien
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