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写作是一种异常艰苦的创造性精神劳动,因而是一种高智力的劳动。正如曹丕所言,文章乃经国之大业,不朽之盛事。虽近年高考作文仅考一篇,但至少测试了考生以下几个方面的能力和水平,也就是作文考查包含以下的测试目的:1.语言文字的基础知识:有无错别字、病句,用词是否贴切,文句是否通顺。2.语言表达的能力:是否生动形象,是否有文采、有意蕴。3.写作技法:谋篇布局的能力和章法技巧。4.分析和解决问题的能力:辩证思维能力与方法等。5.社会阅历:政治立场进步与否,生活经验丰富与否,知识积累厚实、广博与否。6.智力水平:整体素质怎样,心灵探索能力如何,发展是否全面,推理想像及创新能力如何。7.生活情趣:涉及道德观、价值观、人文素养、文化修养。8.才思速度:考虑问题是否严谨,分析问题 Writing is a kind of exceptionally difficult creative mental work, and thus a highly intellectual work. As Cao Yu said, the article is the great cause of immortality. Although in recent years the college entrance examination essay only has one exam, it at least tests the candidate’s ability and level in the following aspects, that is, the composition examination contains the following test purposes: 1. The basic knowledge of language and characters: whether there is a typo, a disease sentence, whether the word is Applicable, whether the sentence is fluent. 2. The ability of language expression: whether it is a lively image, whether it has literary talents, meaning. 3. Writing techniques: the ability to lay out a layout, and the techniques of composition. 4. Ability to analyze and solve problems: Dialectical thinking ability and methods. 5. Social experience: Whether the political position is progressing or not, life experience is rich or not, knowledge is accumulated thickly, extensive or not. 6. Intelligence level: What is the overall quality, how is the ability to explore the soul, whether the development is comprehensive, and what is the ideal image and innovation ability? 7. Life interests: involving moral values, values, humanistic qualities, and cultural accomplishments. 8. Think Speed: Consider whether the problem is rigorous, analyze the problem
函数是初中数学的重要内容,不少同学由于对函数概念和性质理解不透,在解题时常出现错误,现就常见错误予以剖析. 一、忽视函数定义中的条件例1 已知二次函数y=kx2-7x-7的图象
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我国诗歌传统源远流长 ,思想博大精深 ,艺术登峰造极。如何才能真正读懂一首诗 ,读透一阕词呢 ?如何才能获得诗神的青睐 ,射穿她的芳心呢 ?相似联想法不失为读诗的一大法宝。