
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhang332974789
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PURPOSE: The proportion of colorectal cancers located proximal to the splenic flexure increases with age. Colorectal cancers of the microsatellite instability phenotype are preferentially located in the proximal colon. We investigated the location of colorectal cancer with this phenotype in different age groups to determine whether different molecular mechanisms could account for the changes in distribution of colorectal cancers. METHODS: A representative sample of 230 colorectal cancers from three age groups (< 45 years, 60-70 years, >87 years)was selected from a subset of The Upper Midwest Oncology Medical Registries database. Microsatellite instability was determined by polymerase chain reaction using a panel of five microsatellite markers. The presence of new microsatellite alleles at two or more loci was scored as microsatellite instability. Tumors were otherwise considered microsatellite stable. MLH1 and MSH2 expression was determined by immunohistochemistry. Methylation of the MLH1 gene promotor was determined by methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction assay. RESULTS: The proportion of tumors of the microsatellite instability phenotype was 21 percent in the young group, 15 percent in the middle group, and 33 percent in the old group. More tumors of the microsatellite instability phenotype were proximal compared with microsatellite-stable tumors in all three age groups, but the differences were significant only for the old group. Tumors of the microsatellite instability phenotype in the older group were associated with MLH1 inactivation (24/29 or 83 percent), MLH1 promoter methylation (18/29 or 62 percent), and proximal location (25/29 or 86 percent), while tumors in the young group were associated with MSH2 inactivation (8/18 or 44 percent) and distal location (11/18 or 62 percent). CONCLUSION: The age-related proximal shift of colorectal cancers is associated with the microsatellite instability phenotype, MLH1 inactivation, and MLH1 promoter hypermethylation. PURPOSE: The proportion of colorectal cancers located proximal to the splenic flexure increases with age. Colorectal cancers of the microsatellite instability phenotype are preferentially located in the proximal colon. We investigated the location of colorectal cancer with this phenotype in different age groups to determine whether different METHODS: A representative sample of 230 colorectal cancers from three age groups (<45 years, 60-70 years,> 87 years) was selected from a subset of The Upper Midwest Oncology Medical Registries database. Microsatellite instability was determined by polymerase chain reaction using a panel of five microsatellite markers. The presence of new microsatellite alleles at two or more loci was scored as microsatellite instability. Tumors were otherwise considered microsatellite stable. MLH1 and MSH2 expression was determined by immunohistochemistry. Methylation of the M LH1 gene promoter was determined by methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction assay. RESULTS: The proportion of tumors of the microsatellite instability phenotype was 21 percent in the young group, 15 percent in the middle group, and 33 percent in the old group. of the microsatellite instability phenotype were proximal compared with microsatellite-stable tumors in all three age groups, but the differences were significant only for the old group. Tumors of the microsatellite instability phenotype in the older group were associated with MLH1 inactivation (24/29 or 83 percent), MLH1 promoter methylation (18/29 or 62 percent), and proximal location (25/29 or 86 percent), while tumors in the young group were associated with MSH2 inactivation (8/18 or 44 percent) and distal location (11/18 or 62 percent). CONCLUSION: The age-related proximal shift of colorectal cancers is associated with the microsatellite instability phenotype, MLH1 inactivation, and MLH1 promoter hypermethylation.
背景与目的:检测胃癌患者骨髓微转移有多种方法,但不同的方法差异很大。在乳腺癌中,以磁激活细胞分选(m agnetic activated cellsorting,M ACS)结合荧光激活细胞分类(fluores
患者女,50岁,因高钙血症、甲状旁腺功能亢进入院治疗.专科检查:颈软,气管居中,双侧扁桃体无肿大,右侧颈部可触及一包块,活动度尚可,无压痛,颈部淋巴结未触及肿大.电解质检查:钾 4.69 mmol/L,钠 137.2 mmol/L,氯 106 mmol/L,钙 3.74 mmol/L,磷 1.0 mmol/L.甲状旁腺素828 pg/ml.超声检查:右侧甲状腺中部偏下极见一 1.2 cm×1.7
Background:Telomerase activity is up-regulated in pancreatic cancer.Hence,measurement of telomerase activity in pancreatic needle-biopsy specimens could assist
AIM: To investigate the inhibitory effect of small interfering RNA (siRNA) on the expression of survivin in pancreatic cancer cell line PC-2 and the role of siR