
来源 :北京农业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:frjzj
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目前,北京市通州种植的小麦品种产量水平在400.00~500.00 kg/667 m2,为引进筛选一批产量水平更高、品质更优的小麦新品种,并鉴定其在通州区的适应性、丰产性、抗逆性和利用价值,进一步提升通州区小麦产量水平,特别选取农大211、中麦175、农大212等生产主栽品种和良星99、京麦7、京麦6等新品种集中试验,筛选综合性状表现好的品种为大面积推广做准备。试验结果表明:由于今年冬季降水多,各品种小麦越冬好,没有死苗茎现象发生。所有品种株高适中,除京麦6和京麦7株高较高,发生部分倒伏外,其余品种均未发生倒伏现象。试验品种中4个品种产量高于对照,增产率在1.0%~6.2%,其中产量最高的是轮选987,该品种抗寒性好,成穗率高,穗粒数和千粒质量均较高,产量三要素协调,产量397.30 kg/667 m2,比对照中麦175(373.90 kg/667 m2)增产6.2%,其品种生育期偏长,对下茬种植籽粒玉米会有一定影响,但下茬种青贮则不会受到影响,因此建议选择种植。农大211,生育期适中,成穗率较高,穗粒数一般,千粒质量较高,产量381.10 kg/667 m2,增产1.9%。良星99,生育期较长、抗寒性一般,但穗粒数和千粒质量均较高,产量380.80 kg/667 m2,比对照增产1.8%。京麦6株高偏高,易发生倒伏,但其生育期适中,穗粒数较高,千粒质量一般,667 m2产377.80 kg/667 m2。这4个品种产量均高于对照品种中麦175,373.90 kg/667 m2。可以在通州推广使用。 At present, the output level of wheat cultivars grown in Tongzhou, Beijing is between 400.00 and 500.00 kg / 667 m2. It is a new wheat variety with higher yield and better quality introduced and selected for its adaptability and high yield in Tongzhou District , Stress resistance and utilization value to further improve the wheat yield in Tongzhou District. In particular, the main cultivars of Nongda 211, Zhongmai 175, Nongda 212 and other new varieties of Yuexing 99, Jingmai 7 and Jingmai 6 were selected for concentration test, screening Good variety of comprehensive traits to prepare for large-scale promotion. The test results show that, due to the large amount of winter precipitation in this year, the winter wheat varieties are overwintering, and no dead seedling stems phenomenon occurs. All varieties of moderate height, except for Jingmai 6 and Jingmai 7 tall, partial lodging, the rest of the species did not occur lodging. The yield of four cultivars was higher than that of the control, the rate of increase was between 1.0% and 6.2%. The yield of the four cultivars was the highest. The highest yield was 987. High yield and yield. The yield was 397.30 kg / 667 m2, which increased by 6.2% compared with that of Zhongmai 175 (373.90 kg / 667 m2). The growth period of the varieties was longer and had some influence on the planting of grain corn in the next crop. Stubble silage will not be affected, it is recommended to choose planting. Nongda 211, moderate growth period, high spike rate, average grains per spike, high quality of 1000 grains, yield 381.10 kg / 667 m2, an increase of 1.9%. Longer 99, longer growth period, cold resistance in general, but the grains per spike and grain quality are higher, the output 380.80 kg / 667 m2, yield 1.8% more than the control. The height of 6 maize is high and prone to lodging, but its growth period is moderate, the number of grains per spike is high, the quality of 1000 grains is normal, and the yield is 377.80 kg / 667 m2 with 667 m2. The yield of these four varieties were all higher than the control variety Zhongmai 175,373.90 kg / 667 m2. Tongzhou can promote the use.
目的 编制企业员工积极情感问卷.方法 通过对5位企业员工的半结构化访谈,建构了积极情感的基本维度,初步编制了积极情感问卷,并对281名企业员工进行施测,采用探索性因素分析
文章从泡桐特殊的生物学特性入手,详细阐述泡桐的播种育苗技术和插根育苗技术,对适生地区大规模的泡桐培育具有重要的推广和指导意义。 This article starts from the speci
该试验以无核白葡萄的愈伤组织为试验材料,MS+0.50 mg/L6-BA+0.5 g/mLCH为培养基,分别研究了不同浓度的2,4-D和NAA对葡萄愈伤组织诱导成苗的影响,二者浓度均设置为0.00、0.50