
来源 :人民教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaowenjiangy
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我有严重的资产阶級个人主义思想,它表現在我的工作、生活各个方面。現在仅就在工作中所表现的揭露出来,向党交心。一、从个人名利出发进行教学,狂傲自赏,目空一切 1952年,我剛来女五中工作的时候,本想要拿女五中作跳板,两三年后,再想法爬到大学去。我打算先当中学教师,然后作大学讲师、副教授、教授,最后成一个被全世界崇拜的名标史册的科学家,这样就名利双收了。为了达到这个目的,我首先要树立个人威望。因此,到女五中后我不仅要教化学,而且要教数学,并且有意識地向领导上和同志們表示多教几个头沒关系,好让他們知道我多才多能。在处理教材上,我并不是針对大纲的要求和同学們的实际水平来讲课。我考虑到本校学生經常和外校学生在一起談論各校的教学情况,他們又多半有些好高騖远,貪多贪深,因此我就尽量补充教材(如讲授高炉炼铁时,按大綱的要求本来只要两节課,可是由于我补充了过多的教材,竟讲了五节課),目的是要在同学們面前显示自己博学多能。 I have a serious bourgeois individualism which manifests itself in all aspects of my work and life. Now it is revealed to work only in the show, to meet the party. First, starting from the personal fame and fortune teaching, pride, head empty of everything In 1952, when I first came to work in the fifth woman, I would like to take the fifth as a springboard, two or three years later, and then climbed to college ideas. I plan to be a middle school teacher first, and then as a college lecturer, associate professor, professor, finally became a scientist who has been honored by the world in the history books, so that the fame and fortune can be double-ended. In order to achieve this goal, I must first establish a personal prestige. Therefore, by the fifth of my fifth year, I not only taught chemistry, but also taught mathematics, and consciously told the leaders and comrades that it would be okay to teach a few more heads so that they would know that I was versatile. In dealing with teaching materials, I did not address the requirements of the program and the actual level of my classmates. I consider that our students often talk with students from other schools about the teaching in different schools. Since they are mostly ambitious and greedy, I try my best to supplement teaching materials (for example, when teaching blast furnace ironmaking, Asked for only two classes, but since I added too many textbooks, I actually talked about five classes). The purpose is to demonstrate my learned ability in front of my classmates.
This study aims to determine the relationships between local meteorological conditions,proglacial river discharge and biogeochemical processes operating in a pe