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历史长河中的细小时刻汇聚成了我们现在所知道的历史。现在让我们回顾一下这个历史长河中关于吉它的一些精彩时刻吧!! 60.John Squire成为舞曲之王80年代后期电子音乐的盛行使得吉它和贝司为主的摇滚乐一下子成了明日黄花。但是一个来自曼城的四人乐队The Stone Roses的出现证明了这两者是可以结合在一起的。Fools Gold和I am the Resurrection这样的乐曲在充满各种音效的段落下奕奕闪光。John Squire就像Jimmy Page和George Clinton的私生子一样的来到人间。这个说话彬彬有礼的年轻人一直不愿意承认自己是一个吉它英雄,但是对于年轻一带的吉它手来说,他永远是显得那么的与众不同。 The small moments in the long history of history converge into what we now know about history. Now let’s take a moment to review some of the great moments about this guitar in this long history !! 60. John Squire Becomes the King of Dance The popularity of electronic music in the late 1980s made rock and roll guitar and bass a mustache for tomorrow. But the appearance of The Stone Roses, a four-man band from Manchester City, proved that the two could be combined. Songs such as Fools Gold and I am the Resurrection flashed across paragraphs full of sound effects. John Squire came to the world like Jimmy Page and George Clinton’s illegitimate child. The polite young man who has been reluctant to admit that he is a guitar hero, but for young guitarists, he always looks so different.
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