Research Progress of Ganoderma sinense

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In order to protect the protect the unique germplasm resources of China and to promote the development of G. sinense industry, the biological characteristics, active nutritional compositions, pharmacological action, production and industrialization of G. sinense mycelium, fruiting body and variety were reviewed in this research based on relevant literatures. The main problems in the research of G. sinense were discussed. There were few reports on the investigation and collection of G. sinense germplasm resources and the breeding of high-quality strains. In-depth researches on the cultivation and fermentation technologies of G. sinense were lacked. Based on these, researches on G. sinense should be carried out in the aspects of germplasm resources, strain breeding, production technology, active component analysis, and pharmacological efficacy components, so as to protect the unique germplasm resources of China and to promote the development of G. sinense industry. In order to protect the protect the unique germplasm resources of China and to promote the development of G. sinense industry, the biological characteristics, active nutritional compositions, pharmacological action, production and industrialization of G. sinense mycelium, fruiting body and variety were reviewed in this research based on relevant literatures. The main problems in the research of G. sinense were discussed. There were few reports on the investigation and collection of G. sinense germplasm resources and the breeding of high-quality strains. In-depth researches on the cultivation and fermentation technologies of G. sinense were lacked. Based on these, researches on G. sinense should be carried out in the aspects of germplasm resources, strain breeding, production technology, active component analysis, and pharmacological efficacy components, so as to protect the unique germplasm resources of China and to promote the development of G. sinense industry.
<正> 凡认识中国周易研究会常务副会长兼秘书长、周易研究中心主任、《周易研究》总编辑、世界易经大会中方负责人、山东大学教授、山东省政协委员刘大钧的人,无不说他为“奇
创建于1948年5月的建湖县人民医院(南通大学附属建湖医院),是一所装备先进、技术配套、科室齐全、环境优雅,集医疗、教学、科研、康复、保健为一体的综合性二级甲等医院。 F
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