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户外广告(Outdoor Advertising)是户外各种广告形式的总称,一般包括灯箱、霓虹灯、电子显示屏、海报、条幅、路牌、车身、车头车尾、气球、气艇、充气模型、广告看板、广告墙、广告塔等,通常是位于繁华街道两旁、或交通要塞之处或人口渊薮之地。户外广告与报刊、广播、电视等广告类型相比.有其自身优势。一、展露时间长。户外广告展露时间一般以年为单位,无论春夏秋冬还是白天黑夜,都可以持续地向公众发布同一讯息,因而使广告的到达率、接触频次和记忆度都非常高;二、费用比较便宜。从千人成本(CPM)来看,户外广 Outdoor Advertising Outdoor advertising is a generic term for all kinds of outdoor advertisements. Generally, it includes light boxes, neon signs, electronic displays, posters, banners, street signs, bodywork, front wheels, balloons, inflatable boats, inflatable models, billboards, , Advertising towers, etc., are usually located on both sides of the bustling street, or the traffic force at the junction or the source of human resources. Outdoor advertising and newspapers, radio, television and other types of advertising compared to its own advantages. First, show a long time. Outdoor advertising exposure time is generally year, both seasons, autumn and winter or day and night, can continue to release the same message to the public, so that the arrival rate of ads, contact frequency and memory are very high; Second, the cost is cheaper. From a thousand people cost (CPM) point of view, outdoor wide
<正> 凡认识中国周易研究会常务副会长兼秘书长、周易研究中心主任、《周易研究》总编辑、世界易经大会中方负责人、山东大学教授、山东省政协委员刘大钧的人,无不说他为“奇
创建于1948年5月的建湖县人民医院(南通大学附属建湖医院),是一所装备先进、技术配套、科室齐全、环境优雅,集医疗、教学、科研、康复、保健为一体的综合性二级甲等医院。 F
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